你不这样做是因为它不好。最佳路径永远不会包括走进死胡同,然后又走回来!根据定义,这是次优路径。A* 算法找到最优路径。
G 是从起点到目标的曼哈顿距离,H 是从当前点到目标的曼哈顿距离,F 是它们的总和。
The closed set is an empty set of points.
The queue is an empty queue of paths, ordered by path cost.
Enqueue a path from the start to the start with zero cost.
If the queue is empty, then there is no solution.
The current path is the cheapest path in the queue.
Remove that path from the queue.
If the last step on the current path is closed then
the current path is necessarily bad. (Do you see why?)
Discard it and go back to the START of the loop.
Otherwise, if the last step on the current path is the destination then
the current path is the optimal path to the destination, so we're done.
Otherwise, we have the cheapest path *to the last
point in that path*. (Do you see why?)
Therefore, every other path that could possibly go through that point is worse.
Therefore, close off that point. Add it to the closed set so that we can
automatically discard any future path that goes through that point.
For each possible direction from the last point of the current path,
make a new path that extends the current path in that direction.
The estimated cost of that new path is the known cost to get
to its end from the start, plus the estimated cost to get from
its end to the destination.
Enqueue the new path with that cost.
Go back to the START of the loop.