所以我已经完成了一堆 Doctrine2 迁移(https://github.com/doctrine/migrations),但我有一个关于我正在尝试做的新迁移的问题。

我一直在深入研究这个库,我看到它$this->addSql()用于构建一个要执行的 SQL 列表,然后它会在以后执行。

我想做一些事情,我选择一些数据,遍历行,基于它插入新数据,然后删除我选择的数据。这很容易适用于 DBAL 库,但我想知道,我可以protected $connection在迁移中安全地使用它吗?还是因为它会在我的任何$this->addSql()SQL 被执行之前执行语句而变得糟糕?此外,这似乎会破坏dry-run我在代码中看到的设置。有没有人有过这种迁移的经验?有没有最佳实践?

以下是我想做的迁移,但我不确定 Doctrine Migrations 是否支持它:

public function up(Schema $schema)
    // this up() migration is autogenerated, please modify it to your needs
    $this->abortIf($this->connection->getDatabasePlatform()->getName() != "mysql");

    $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE article_enclosures ADD is_scrape TINYINT(1) NOT NULL");
    $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE images DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_E01FBE6AA536AAC7");

    // now lets take all images with a scrape and convert the scrape to an enclosure
    // Select all images where not scrape_id is null (join on article_image_scrape)
    // for each image:
    //     insert into article_enclosures
    //     update image set enclosure_id = new ID
    //     delete from article_image_scrape where id...
    // insert into article_enclosures select article_image_scrapes...

    $sql = "SELECT i.id img_id, e.* FROM images i JOIN article_image_scrapes e ON i.scrape_id = e.id";
    $stmt = $this->connection->prepare($sql);
    $scrapesToDelete = array();
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
        $scrapeArticle = $row['article_id'];
        $scrapeOldId = $row['id'];
        $scrapeUrl = $row['url'];
        $scrapeExtension = $row['extension'];
        $scrapeUrlHash = $row['url_hash'];
        $imageId = $row['image_id'];

        $this->connection->insert('article_enclosures', array(
            'url' => $scrapeUrl,
            'extension' => $scrapeExtension,
            'url_hash' => $scrapeUrlHash

        $scrapeNewId = $this->connection->lastInsertId();

        $this->connection->update('images', array(
            'enclosure_id' => $scrapeNewId,
            'scrape_id' => null
        ), array(
            'id' => $imageId

        $scrapesToDelete[] = $scrapeOldId;

    foreach ($scrapesToDelete as $id) {
        $this->connection->delete('article_image_scrapes', array('id' => $id));

    $this->addSql("INSERT INTO article_scrapes (article_id, url, extension, url_hash) "
            ."SELECT s.id, s.url, s.extension, s.url_hash"
            ."FROM article_image_scrapes s");

    $this->addSql("DROP INDEX IDX_E01FBE6AA536AAC7 ON images");
    $this->addSql("ALTER TABLE images DROP scrape_id, CHANGE enclosure_id enclosure_id INT NOT NULL");

2 回答 2



$result = $this->connection->fetchAssoc('SELECT id, name FROM table1 WHERE id = 1');
$this->abortIf(!$result, 'row with id not found');
$this->abortIf($result['name'] != 'jo', 'id 1 is not jo');
// etc..


在您的示例中,您应该进行两次迁移。第一个会做两个alter table。第二个将执行“带有刮擦的图像并将刮擦转换为外壳”例程。如果出现问题,使用多次迁移更容易恢复它们。

于 2013-09-02T21:08:23.220 回答



// ...
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAwareInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

class Version20130326212938 extends AbstractMigration implements ContainerAwareInterface

    private $container;

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container;

    public function up(Schema $schema)
        // ... migration content

    public function postUp(Schema $schema)
        $em = $this->container->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
        // ... update the entities
于 2014-05-12T18:30:58.070 回答