I am creating number spinner widget in JavaScript to essentially mimic the number field in webkit.

When you change the number, it needs to check to see if the value is not only within the accepted range, but also that it's in step:

<input type="number" min="0" max="100" step="1" />

If a user enters 5.5 the field will truncate this to the closest step lower than the value, which in this case is 5.

For a step of 2, if the user entered 5.5, the result would be 4.

The equation I was planning on using for this calculation looks like this:

_checkStep: function (val) {
    val ret,
    diff = val - this._min;
    moddedDiff = diff % this._step;
    ret = val - moddedDiff;
    return ret;
//set elsewhere
...more code...

Although for testing purposes, you could simply use this:

function checkStep(val, min, step) {
    var ret,
    diff = val - min;
    moddedDiff = diff % step;
    ret = val - moddedDiff;
    return ret;

This works great for integers and larger values, however I've run into issues with decimals due to how JavaScript handles floating point numbers.

For example:

checkStep(0.5, 0, 0.1) //returns 0.4, 0.5 is expected

In analyzing each line, it turns out that 0.5 % 0.1 in JavaScript returns 0.09999999999999998.

What can be done to make this function more accurate*?

*accurate being that it works for increments of 0.01 and up.


2 回答 2


您可以尝试确保 step 大于 1(通过反复乘以 10),然后进行模数,然后按比例缩小到原始值。例如:

function checkStep(val, min, step) {
  var ret,
  var pows = 0;
  while( step < 1 ) { // make sure step is > 1
    step *= 10;
    val *= 10;
    min *= 10;
  diff = val - min;
  moddedDiff = diff % step;
  ret = val - moddedDiff;
  return ret / Math.pow( 10, pows );

这适用于您提供的示例,但我不能保证它适用于所有情况。在此处查看 jsfiddle:


于 2012-04-27T20:03:21.783 回答

没有绝对保证准确的浮点计算。请改用整数计算。在您的 0.1 示例中,您可以用整数计算“0.1”的数量,在用户的最后一位数字之前直观地添加点。

于 2012-04-27T16:15:26.740 回答