您可以使用 OpenCV (cv2) 的新接口,它是从 c++ 绑定的面向对象的接口。我发现它更容易阅读。
注意:如果你用这个打开图片,fps 没有任何意义,所以图片保持静止。
import cv2
import sys
vidFile = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[1])
print "problem opening input stream"
if not vidFile.isOpened():
print "capture stream not open"
nFrames = int(vidFile.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # one good way of namespacing legacy openCV: cv2.cv.*
print "frame number: %s" %nFrames
fps = vidFile.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
print "FPS value: %s" %fps
ret, frame = vidFile.read() # read first frame, and the return code of the function.
while ret: # note that we don't have to use frame number here, we could read from a live written file.
print "yes"
cv2.imshow("frameWindow", frame)
cv2.waitKey(int(1/fps*1000)) # time to wait between frames, in mSec
ret, frame = vidFile.read() # read next frame, get next return code