这很奇怪,我们有一个打印机设置,它有一个 IP 和它监听的端口,然后我们需要将打印作业发送到打印机。




_Socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.IP);
_Socket.Connect("", 2123);
byte Enq = 0x05;
byte Ack = 0x06;
byte[] tran;
tran = new byte[] { Enq };
_Socket.Send(tran, 1, SocketFlags.None);

tran = new byte[] { 0x30 };
_Socket.Send(tran, 1, SocketFlags.None);

tran = new byte[] { 0x00, 0x01 };
_Socket.Send(tran, 2, SocketFlags.None);

tran = new byte[] { 0xFF };
_Socket.Send(tran, 1, SocketFlags.None);


send 1 byte Identifier 30h
send 2 bytes length 00h, 01h
send data (action to be performed) 1 byte FFh




Dialog 的一般原理 计算机发送 ENQ(1 字节) 打印机发送 ACK(1 字节) 计算机发送数据(Ident 1 字节 | 长度 2 字节 | 数据 0 到 n 字节 | 校验和 1 字节) 打印机发送 Ack(1 字节)

当我过去使用串行时,我使用端口上的写入功能来发送数据,将数据放入缓冲区,一旦完成接收检查缓冲区,但我对如何在 IP 上执行此操作一无所知?

Identifier (1 hexadecimal byte)
Specific to each command.
 Length (2 hexadecimal bytes)
The length is a hexadecimal value representing the number of bytes present after the
two length bytes and not including the check byte (Checksum).
In general, the maximum value is 2044 bytes or 07h FCh.
For transmission of a message for printing, the maximum value is 4092 bytes or 0Fh
Note: The check byte is not checked by the printer if b7 of the first length byte is set
to 1. In this case the data in the frame received is not checked.
Data (0 to n bytes)
Zero bytes for a general request from the computer to the printer.
n bytes representing the instructions needed to define a function.
Checksum (1 hexadecimal byte)
This corresponds to an exclusive OR of all preceding bytes (identifier, length and data

1 回答 1


我将系统更改为使用 TCPClass 而不是套接字,它现在按预期工作,他们的技术人员没用,但至少他们的销售负责人来帮助解决了他对打印机其他问题的了解,最终设法得到那里。一切都归结为文档中缺少信息

于 2012-05-16T09:58:18.590 回答