我在 java 中创建了一个类,它允许我用 WebSocket 协议包装现有的套接字。我的一切都适用于RFC6445协议,一切都适用于 chrome 和 FF。然而 Safari 和 iOS 使用的是hixie76 / HyBi00协议(根据维基百科)。

我一切正常,Safari 和 iOS 正确握手并开始发送/接收消息……嗯,至少大部分时间是这样。

大约 20-30% 的时间,握手失败并且 Safari 关闭连接。(Java 在尝试读取第一帧时读取 -1 字节)。Safari 不会在控制台报告任何错误,而只是调用 onclose 事件处理程序。



注意:没有异常被抛出,并且“握手完成”被写入控制台。但是在尝试读取第一帧时,连接被关闭。(Java 在 inst.read() 上返回 -1)

// Headers are read in a previous method which wraps the socket using RFC6445
// protocol. If it detects 2 keys it will call this and pass in the headers.
public static MessagingWebSocket wrapOldProtocol(HashMap<String, String> headers, PushbackInputStream pin, Socket sock) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    // SPEC
    // https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76#page-32
    // Read the "key3" value. This is 8 random bytes after the headers.
    byte[] key3 = new byte[8];
    for ( int i=0; i<key3.length; i++ ) {
        key3[i] = (byte)pin.read();
    // Grab the two keys we need to use for the handshake
    String key1 = headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Key1");
    String key2 = headers.get("Sec-WebSocket-Key2");
    // Count the spaces in both keys
    // Abort the connection is either key has 0 spaces
    int spaces1 = StringUtils.countMatches(key1, " ");
    int spaces2 = StringUtils.countMatches(key2, " ");
    if ( spaces1 == 0 || spaces2 == 0 ) {
        throw new IOException("Bad Handshake Request, Possible Cross-protocol attack");
    // Strip all non-digit characters from each key
    // Use the remaining value as a base-10 integer.
    // Abort if either number is not a multiple of it's #spaces counterpart
    // Need to use long because the values are unsigned
    long num1 = Long.parseLong( key1.replaceAll("\\D", "") );
    long num2 = Long.parseLong( key2.replaceAll("\\D", "") );
    if ( !(num1 % spaces1 == 0) || !(num2 % spaces2 == 0) ) {
        throw new IOException("Bad Handshake Request. Possible non-conforming client");

    // Part1/2 is key num divided by the # of spaces
    int part1 = (int)(num1 / spaces1);
    int part2 = (int)(num2 / spaces2);
    // Now calculate the challenge response
    // MD5( num1 + num2 + key3 )  ... concat, not add
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
    byte[] response = md.digest();
    // Now build the server handshake response
    // Ignore Sec-WebSocket-Protocol (we don't use this)
    String origin = headers.get("Origin");
    String location = "ws://" + headers.get("Host") + "/";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append("HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake").append("\r\n");
    sb.append("Upgrade: websocket").append("\r\n");
    sb.append("Connection: Upgrade").append("\r\n");
    sb.append("Sec-WebSocket-Origin: ").append(origin).append("\r\n");
    sb.append("Sec-WebSocket-Location: ").append(location).append("\r\n");
    // Anything left in the buffer?
    if ( pin.available() > 0 ) {
        throw new IOException("Unexpected bytes after handshake!");
    // Send the handshake & challenge response
    OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream();
    System.out.println("[MessagingWebSocket] Handshake Complete.");
    // Return the wrapper socket class.
    MessagingWebSocket ws = new MessagingWebSocket(sock);
    ws.oldProtocol = true;
    return ws;


注意:我不是在寻找 WebSockets 的第三方替代品,例如 jWebSocket、Jetty 和 Socket.IO。我已经知道其中的许多。


1 回答 1


您的 MD5 摘要方法有一个错误:协议描述如下: https ://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-76#section-5.2

byte[] bytes = new byte[16];    
BytesUtil.fillBytesWithArray(bytes, 0, 3, BytesUtil.intTobyteArray(part1));
BytesUtil.fillBytesWithArray(bytes, 4, 7, BytesUtil.intTobyteArray(part2));
BytesUtil.fillBytesWithArray(bytes, 8, 15, key3);

我认为您的问题是由 Little Endian 和 Big Endian 引起的。

于 2016-04-20T11:17:36.053 回答