我使用 ajax 请求返回一个 json 编码。
{"24": {"24":["205", "22", "1", "1", "0", "0"]}};
///global set
var data = {"24":{"16":["172","22","1","1","0","0"],"15":["160","22","1","1","0","0"]}};
问题是 - 我的尝试没有添加到变量中。这是我的脚本:
var result = {24: {24:[205, 22, 1, 1, 0, 0]}}; //return data test
var obj = {}
for ( var key in result ){
if ( result.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
// If the key already exists
if ( data[ key ] === result[ key ] ) {
// Empty the temporary object
obj = {}
// Loop through the subkeys
for ( var subkey in result[ key ] ) {
if ( result[ key ].hasOwnProperty( [ subkey ] ) ) {
// Fill in the temporary object
obj[ subkey ] = result[ key ][ subkey ]
// Add the new object to the original object
data[ key ] = obj
// If the key doesn't exist, do it normally
else {
data[ key ] = result[ key ]
obj = null
//show change