我有一台连接在笔记本电脑上的相机。使用远程拍摄,当摄影师拍摄照片时,它会保存到笔记本电脑硬盘上的文件夹中。在文件夹上设置了一个 Automator (Mac OS X) 操作,每当出现新文件时,它都会调整其大小并使用 Transmit 将其推送到 FTP。
我有一个网页显示最近拍摄的照片。它使用 ajax 反复检查是否上传了新文件,如果有,则加载新照片并与旧照片交叉淡入淡出。这是页面上运行的 Javascript。
(function() {
var delay, refreshLoop;
// Alias to setTimeout that reverses the parameters, making it much cleaner in code (for CoffeeScript)
delay = function(time, callback) {
return setTimeout(callback, time);
// Function that drives the loop of refreshing photos
refreshLoop = function(currentFolderState, refreshRate) {
// Get the new folder state
$.get("ajax/getFolderState.php", function(newFolderState) {
// If the new folder state is different
if (newFolderState !== currentFolderState) {
// Get the newest photo
$.get("ajax/getNewestPhoto.php", function(photoFilename) {
var img;
// Create the new image element
img = $('<img class="new-photo"/>')
// Append the src attribute to it after so it can BG load
.attr('src', "/events/mindsmack/booth/cinco-de-mindsmack-2012/" + photoFilename)
// When the image is loaded
.load(function() {
// Append the image to the photos container
// Crossfade it with the old photo
$('#photos .current-photo').fadeOut();
$('#photos .new-photo').fadeIn().removeClass("new-photo").addClass("current-photo");
// Wait for the refresh rate and then repeat
delay(refreshRate, function() {
refreshLoop(newFolderState, refreshRate);
// Document Ready
$(function() {
var refreshRate;
// Load the first photo
$.get("ajax/getNewestPhoto.php", function(photoFilename) {
$('#photos').append("<img src='/events/mindsmack/booth/cinco-de-mindsmack-2012/" + photoFilename + "' class='current-photo' />");
refreshRate = 2000;
// After the timeout
delay(refreshRate, function() {
// Get the initial folder state and kick off the loop
$.get("ajax/getFolderState.php", function(initialFolderState) {
refreshLoop(initialFolderState, refreshRate);
这是在该 Javascript 中调用的两个 PHP 文件
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/events/mindsmack/booth/cinco-de-mindsmack-2012/";
// Get a directory listing of the path where the photos are stored
$dirListing = scandir( $path );
// Echo an md5 hash of the directory listing
echo md5(serialize($dirListing));
$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/events/mindsmack/booth/cinco-de-mindsmack-2012/";
// Get a directory listing of the path where the photos are stored
$listing = scandir($path);
$modTime = 0;
$mostRecent = "";
// Find the most recent file
foreach ( $listing as $file ) {
if ( is_file($path.$file) && $file !== ".DS_Store" && filectime($path.$file) > $modTime) {
$modTime = filectime($path.$file);
$mostRecent = $file;
// Echo the most recent filename
echo $mostRecent;
根据以下建议之一,我在 getNewestPhoto.php 中添加了代码,用于检查照片的文件大小,稍等片刻,然后再次检查。如果它们不同,它会返回并再次检查,直到文件大小相同。我希望这会捕获正在上传的文件,因为文件大小会在循环之间发生变化,但即使照片出现部分渲染,文件大小检查也没有捕获它。
$currFilesize = filesize($path . $mostRecent);
while ( true ) {
$newFilesize = filesize($path . $mostRecent);
if ( $newFilesize == $currFilesize) {
else {
$currFilesize = $newFilesize;