我是 C++ 新手。我正在努力解决价值传递的问题,没有人能以我能理解的方式解释我做错了什么。我知道这是我的错,但我正在寻求有关我的代码的帮助。请帮忙!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double getValues();
double getSalesTax(double SalesTaxPct);
double gettotal_price(double base, double opt);
void PrintFinal(double base,double opt,double SalesTaxPct);
// function to control all other functions
int main()
// function to calculate sales tax percent into decimal
double getSalesTax( double SalesTaxPct )
double SalesTax;
SalesTax = SalesTaxPct / 100;
return SalesTax;
// function to find total
double gettotal_price(double base, double opt, double SalesTax)
return = (base + opt) * (1 + SalesTax);
// function to show user all values input and also total
void PrintFinal(double base, double opt, double SalesTaxPct)
cout << "Base vehicle price: $" << base << endl;
cout << "Options Price: $" << opt << endl;
cout << "Sales tax pct: " << SalesTaxPct << "%" << endl;
cout << "Total vehicle price: $" << gettotal_price(double base, double opt, double SalesTax) << endl;
// function to get input values
void getValues()
double base, double opt, double SalesTaxPct;
cout << "Enter a base vehicle price: " << endl;
cin >> base;
cout << "Enter options price: " << endl;
cin >> opt;
cout << "Enter a sales tax percent: " << endl;
cin >> SalesTaxPct;