我想使用lispbuilder绘制表面,但我无法将用户指南/api 转换为工作示例。
(defun func (version)
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:window 1023 768 :title-caption "Move a rectangle using the mouse")
(setf (sdl:frame-rate) 60)
(setf *map-surface* (sdl:load-image "...src/resources/map.jpg"))
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quit-event () t)
(:key-down-event ()
(:idle ()
(sdl:draw-surface *map-surface*)
;; Change the color of the box if the left mouse button is depressed
(when (sdl:mouse-left-p)
(setf *random-color* (sdl:color :r (random 255) :g (random 255) :b (random 255))))
;; Clear the display each game loop
(sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
;; Draw the box having a center at the mouse x/y coordinates.
(sdl:draw-box (sdl:rectangle-from-midpoint-* (sdl:mouse-x) (sdl:mouse-y) 20 20)
:color *random-color*)
;; Redraw the display