I'm trying to change the language of the whole system of Android Phone on my application, cause our goal is to customized a Settings application.
I've tried this, but didn't work:
Configuration conf = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration();
conf.locale = toSet; //toSet is a Locale which I want to set to the system
the other try didn't work either:
There are ways to change the language of application, but not systems.
Is there any ways that I can reach the goal? Will getting the root permissions works for me? Or is there any ways to modify the UI interface of the Intent-Activity?
I've found that, in the source code, "platform/packages/apps/Settings/src/com/android/settings/LocalePicker.java", "com.android.internal.app.LocalePicker" might help, and in the "platform/frameworks/base/core/java/com/android/internal/app",
there is a function which named "updateLocale", I guess it might help, but the class such as "IActivityManager" cause compile error in the Eclipse.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!