因此,您将创建所有字段对象,并在需要时将验证器附加到它们,然后将全部附加到表单 - 所以您最终会得到如下内容:
$oFieldUsername = new FormField('username', new Validator(Validator::TYPE_EMAIL));
$oFieldPassword = new FormField('password', new Validator(Validator::TYPE_PASSWORD));
$oForm = new Form(Form::METHOD_POST, '/path/to/action.php');
//form has not been posted
if(!$oForm->isReceived()) {
//the form HAS been posted but IS NOT VALID
elseif(!$oForm->isValid()) {
//the form HAS been posted and the data LOOKS valid
else {
//do processing and hand-off
验证器处理诸如确定是否需要字段数据,如果数据与空字符串 (RegExp) 匹配,则例如不需要。
但他们也可以处理电子邮件验证(有或没有 getmxrr() 查找)或其他任何事情,您只需为特定情况构建验证器类型......或者您有通用验证器:
new Validator(Validator::TYPE_EMAIL); //basic email validator
new Validator(Validator::TYPE_EMAIL_WITH_MX); //email validator with getmxrr()
new Validator(Validator::TYPE_REGEXP, '/^[\w]+$/'); //generic regular expression with the pattern to match as the second parameter
new Validator(Validator::TYPE_INT_MIN, 10); //integer with a minimum value of 10
new Validator(Validator::TYPE_REGEXP, '/^[\w\s]*$/', true); //the third parameter could be an override so that the validation is optional - if the field has a value it MUST validate, if it doesn't have a value, it's fine
方法是否返回 true。
//the field value must be an integer between 5 and 10 (inclusive)
$oField->addValidator(new Validator(Validator::TYPE_INT_MIN, 5));
$oField->addValidator(new Validator(Validator::TYPE_INT_MAX, 10));