由于服务器上的 sf_culture = 1,我遇到了很多错误。
{sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url
for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' =>'1',)"
Match route "default" (/:sf_culture/:module/:action/*) for /de_DE/housing/legend with
parameters array ( 'module' => 'housing', 'action' => 'legend', 'sf_format' => 'html',
'sf_culture' => 'de_DE',)
url: /:sf_culture/:module/:action/*
param: { sf_format: html }
sf_culture: (?:<?php echo $cultures ?>)
为什么 :sf_culture 或 $sf_user->getCulture() 甚至可能返回“1”,而且我在日志中看到了“de?keepthis=true”,这更奇怪。
编辑:我不能是唯一一个有这个错误的人吗?我的意思是看看这些日志(~ 1 分钟)
May 10 09:50:23 symfony [err] {sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' => 'en“',)".
May 10 09:50:34 symfony [err] {sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' => 'mvcleltja',)".
May 10 09:50:45 symfony [err] {sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' => '√ en',)".
May 10 09:51:26 symfony [err] {sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' => '1',)".
May 10 09:51:42 symfony [err] {sfConfigurationException} Unable to find a matching route to generate url for params "array ( 'action' => 'legend', 'module' => 'housing', 'sf_culture' => 'whwgopshwhyrydi',)".