我有一个包含 2 个自定义函数/公式的复杂公式的单元格“A”。
我了解当单元格更改值时,Excel 会自动重新计算其所有相关单元格。当单元格“A”从此机制更新时,它会给出#VALUE!。
编辑 1:在这些键盘快捷键中,只有 CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9 给出了正确的值。所有其他人都给#VALUE!如果该功能没有Application.Volatile
有问题的 VBA 函数:
Public Function arr(ParamArray fields() As Variant)
arr = fields
End Function
Public Function HLOOKUPRANGE(headers() As Variant, lookup_range As Range, row_index As Integer) As Variant
If lookup_range.Columns.Count = 1 Then
HLOOKUPRANGE = lookup_range(row_index, 1)
' look at the first row in the range for the header
For colStart = 1 To lookup_range.Columns.Count Step 1
col = lookup_range.Cells(1, colStart).Value
If col = headers(1) Then
colEnd = colStart + lookup_range.Cells(1, colStart).MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1
Exit For
End If
' set the new smaller range
First = lookup_range.Cells(2, colStart).Address
Last = lookup_range.Cells(lookup_range.Rows.Count, colEnd).Address
Dim szRange As String
szRange = First & ":" & Last
' set the new headers array
Dim header_next() As Variant
If UBound(headers) > 1 Then
ReDim header_next(1 To UBound(headers) - 1)
For i = LBound(headers) + 1 To UBound(headers) Step 1
header_next(i - 1) = headers(i)
End If
HLOOKUPRANGE = HLOOKUPRANGE(header_next, Range(szRange), row_index)
End If
End Function
这些函数的组合工作是以自上而下的方式从标题中导航查找表,并根据 arr() 中定义的字符串标题在表中返回一个值。
编辑 1:检查计算步骤时,arr() 正确计算为 HLOOKRANGE({"hdr1","hdr2","hdr3"},Q!$CD$3:$DG$28,CG43),但此结果计算为 #价值!