
I'm still relatively new to OpenGL/OpenCV, so I'm still unfamiliar with the multitudes of libraries available for use, particularly for animation. Where I'm from (the Flash world), we have access to several 3rd-party tweening engines that make life very easy for us when we want to programmatically move things around the stage without relying on the (vastly inferior) built-in Adobe tween APIs. One of the most popular is Greensock's TweenMax.


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“在舞台上移动”的概念比 OpenGL 更高层次。其实的概念比OpenGL还要高。所有 OpenGL 渲染都是三角形(以及线和点)。它转换顶点并将它们渲染为三角形,并具有一些用于填充中间部分的机制(如映射纹理)。OpenGL 不知道任何东西的持久性。它不知道对象。它所做的只是在你告诉它的地方画一些东西。


于 2012-04-26T04:30:37.880 回答