哦,另外,所有这些都在一个名为 Cache 的类中,所以这就是为什么有些变量似乎没有定义,但我向你保证它们是。索引[i]->next = NULL 上的程序段错误;以及该行下方的类似行。
typedef struct setNode {
char valid, dirty;
unsigned int tag;
setNode *next;
Cache *nextCache;
} set;
set **indexes;
arrayLength = cache_size / block_size;
indexes = new setNode *[arrayLength];
set *temp;
//Step through the array. The array is full of pointers to "Dummy Nodes"
for (size_t i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
indexes[i]->next = NULL;
indexes[i]->valid = 0;
indexes[i]->dirty = 0;
indexes[i]->tag = 0;
//create empty linked list for each tag spot (One for direct mapped. etc...)
for(size_t i = 0; i < associativity; i++)
temp = indexes[i];
temp->next = new setNode;
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = NULL;
temp->valid = 0;
temp->dirty = 0;
temp->tag = 0;