我正在尝试将正则表达式模式传递给 Excel VBA 中的函数,但该模式似乎无效。我已插入 msgbox'es 以查看字符串的外观,结果正常。这是我正在使用的代码。

Sub clean_COP_names()
Dim strSheet As String
Dim strPatternOrig As String

Dim strRow As Integer
Dim strCol As Integer
Dim UpBound As Range
Dim LowBound As Range

Dim strUpBoundRow As Integer
Dim strUpBoundColumn As Integer
Dim strLowBoundRow As Integer
Dim strLowBoundColumn As Integer
Dim CompareRange As Range

Dim c As Variant
Dim d As Integer
    Dim strTest As String
    strTest = ActiveCell.Value

    strSheet = "Sheet2"

    strRow = 2
    strCol = 2
    strUpBoundRow = 0
    strUpBoundColumn = 0
    strLowBoundRow = 0
    strLowBoundColumn = 0

    '/////call ext function
    SelectColumn strSheet, strRow, strCol, strUpBoundRow, strUpBoundColumn, strLowBoundRow, strLowBoundColumn

    Set CompareRange = Worksheets(strSheet).Range _
(Cells(strUpBoundRow, strUpBoundColumn), Cells(strLowBoundRow, strLowBoundColumn))

    d = 1
    Cells(d, 6).Value = "Alumni Officer - Last,First names"
    strPatternOrig = """^([^ ]+)([ ]+)([^ ]+)([ ]+)([^ ]+)(.*)$"""
    'MsgBox (strPatternOrig)
    For Each c In CompareRange
    d = d + 1
        '/////ext function
        Cells(d, 6).Value = Reorder_Name_COP_Data_a(c.Value, strPatternOrig, "$3,$1")
End Sub

Function Reorder_Name_COP_Data_a(strData As String, strPattern As String, strReplacementPattern As String) As String

Dim RE As Object

Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With RE
    .MultiLine = False
    '.Global = False
    .Global = True
    .IgnoreCase = True
    'MsgBox (strPattern)

    .Pattern = strPattern
End With

Reorder_Name_COP_Data_a = RE.Replace(strData, strReplacementPattern)

End Function


附录 2012 年 4 月 26 日 非常感谢-


 strPatternOrig = "^[ ]?([^\ ,()""'']+)(?:[ ](\(([^)]*?)\)))?[ ]((?:(([^\ ,()""''])[^\ ,()""'']*)[ ])([^\ ,()""'']+(?:[ ][^\ ,()""'']+)*))(?: [ ]? , [ ]?(.*?))?[ ]?(\(\s*'*\d*\s*\))[ ]?$"



1 回答 1




"^[ ]?([^\ ,()""'']+)(?:[ ](\(([^)]*?)\)))?[ ]((?:(([^\ ,()""''])[^\ ,()""'']*)[ ])([^\ ,()""'']+(?:[ ][^\ ,()""'']+)*))(?: [ ]? , [ ]?(.*?))?[ ]?(\(\s*'*\d*\s*\))[ ]?$"


"^[ ]?([^\ ,()""']+)(?:[ ](\(([^)]*?)\)))?[ ]((?:(([^\ ,()""'])[^\ ,()""']*)[ ])([^\ ,()""']+(?:[ ][^\ ,()""']+)*))(?:[ ]?,[ ]?(.*?))?[ ]?(\(\s*'*\d*\s*\))[ ]?$"


Dim RXE As Object
Dim RXNorm As Object

Sub RegexColumnValueComparison()
  Dim strData As String
  Dim strPat As String
  Call InitializeRXs

   ' Here, the grad part ('#) is optional
   strPat = "^[ ]?([^\ ,()""']+)(?:[ ](\(([^)]*?)\)))?[ ]((?:(([^\ ,()""'])[^\ ,()""']*)[ ])([^\ ,()""']+(?:[ ][^\ ,()""']+)*))(?:[ ]?,[ ]?(.*?))?[ ]?(?:(\(\s*'*\d*\s*\))[ ]?)?$"
   ' Here, the grad part ('#) is required
   'strPat = "^[ ]?([^\ ,()""']+)(?:[ ](\(([^)]*?)\)))?[ ]((?:(([^\ ,()""'])[^\ ,()""']*)[ ])([^\ ,()""']+(?:[ ][^\ ,()""']+)*))(?:[ ]?,[ ]?(.*?))?[ ]?(\(\s*'*\d*\s*\))[ ]?)$"

   strData = " John   Bert Smith, Jr  ('78) "
   MsgBox (RxRepl(strData, strPat, "$7 $8 , $1 $3 $6 $9"))
End Sub

Function RxRepl(sData As String, sPat As String, sRepl As String) As String
   sData = RXNorm.Replace(sData, " ")
   RXE.Pattern = sPat
     ' Can test for pass/fail ..
     'If RXE.Test(sData) Then
     '   MsgBox ("matched pattern")
     '   MsgBox ("did NOT match pattern")
     'End If
   RxRepl = RXE.Replace(sData, sRepl)
End Function

Sub InitializeRXs()
  Set RXE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
  Set RXNorm = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
  RXE.Global = True
  RXNorm.Global = True
  RXNorm.Pattern = "\s+"
End Sub
于 2012-05-01T21:22:49.593 回答