

Function GuidToBase64(ByVal guid As Guid) As String
    Return Convert.ToBase64String(guid.ToByteArray).Replace("/", "-").Replace("+", "_").Replace("=", "")
End Function

Function Base64ToGuid(ByVal base64 As String) As Guid
    Dim guid As Guid
    base64 = base64.Replace("-", "/").Replace("_", "+") & "=="

        guid = New Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(base64))
    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw New Exception("Bad Base64 conversion to GUID", ex)
    End Try

    Return guid
End Function


public string GuidToBase64(Guid guid)
    return Convert.ToBase64String(guid.ToByteArray()).Replace("/", "-").Replace("+", "_").Replace("=", "");

public Guid Base64ToGuid(string base64)
   Guid guid = default(Guid);
   base64 = base64.Replace("-", "/").Replace("_", "+") + "==";

   try {
       guid = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(base64));
   catch (Exception ex) {
       throw new Exception("Bad Base64 conversion to GUID", ex);

   return guid;

4 回答 4


你可能想看看这个网站: http: //prettycode.org/2009/11/12/short-guid/


public class ShortGuid
    private readonly Guid guid;
    private readonly string value;

    /// <summary>Create a 22-character case-sensitive short GUID.</summary>
    public ShortGuid(Guid guid)
        if (guid == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("guid");

        this.guid = guid;
        this.value = Convert.ToBase64String(guid.ToByteArray())
            .Substring(0, 22)
            .Replace("/", "_")
            .Replace("+", "-");

    /// <summary>Get the short GUID as a string.</summary>
    public override string ToString()
        return this.value;

    /// <summary>Get the Guid object from which the short GUID was created.</summary>
    public Guid ToGuid()
        return this.guid;

    /// <summary>Get a short GUID as a Guid object.</summary>
    /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception>
    /// <exception cref="System.FormatException"></exception>
    public static ShortGuid Parse(string shortGuid)
        if (shortGuid == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("shortGuid");
        else if (shortGuid.Length != 22)
            throw new FormatException("Input string was not in a correct format.");

        return new ShortGuid(new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String
            (shortGuid.Replace("_", "/").Replace("-", "+") + "==")));

    public static implicit operator String(ShortGuid guid)
        return guid.ToString();

    public static implicit operator Guid(ShortGuid shortGuid)
        return shortGuid.guid;
于 2010-02-23T05:18:06.150 回答

使用这种技术来格式化用于 URL 或文件名的 GUID 的一个问题是,两个不同的 GUID 可以产生两个仅在大小写不同的值,例如:

    var b1 = GuidToBase64(new Guid("c9d045f3-e21c-46d0-971d-b92ebc2ab83c"));
    var b2 = GuidToBase64(new Guid("c9d045f3-e21c-46d0-971d-b92ebc2ab8a4"));
    Console.WriteLine(b1);  // 80XQyRzi0EaXHbkuvCq4PA
    Console.WriteLine(b2);  // 80XQyRzi0EaXHbkuvCq4pA

由于 URL 有时被解释为不区分大小写,并且在 Windows 中文件路径和文件名不区分大小写。这可能会导致碰撞。

于 2016-09-29T13:36:53.830 回答

我知道您最终剪裁 == 的原因是因为您可以确定对于 GUID(16 个字节),编码字符串将始终以 == 结尾。所以每次转换可以保存 2 个字符。


于 2009-06-23T13:04:31.723 回答

如果您的方法无法将传递给它的 Base64 转换为 GUID,您不应该抛出异常吗?传递给该方法的数据显然是错误的。

于 2009-06-23T13:00:36.270 回答