我正在尝试使用FileTransfer 方法将文件从 PhoneGap 上传到服务器。我需要为此上传启用 HTTP 基本身份验证。


    var options = new FileUploadOptions({
        fileKey: "file",
        params: {
            id: my_id,
            headers: { 'Authorization': _make_authstr() }
    var ft = new FileTransfer();
    ft.upload(image, 'http://locahost:8000/api/upload', success, error, options);

查看 PhoneGap 源代码,我似乎可以通过在“参数”列表中包含“标题”来指定授权标题,就像我在上面所做的那样:

      JSONObject headers = params.getJSONObject("headers");
      for (Iterator iter = headers.keys(); iter.hasNext();)
        String headerKey = iter.next().toString();
        conn.setRequestProperty(headerKey, headers.getString(headerKey));


那么:对于 iPhone 和 Android,有没有办法使用 PhoneGap 的 FileTransfer 进行 HTTP 基本身份验证?


3 回答 3



authHeaderValue = function(username, password) {
    var tok = username + ':' + password;
    var hash = btoa(tok);
    return "Basic " + hash;

options.headers = {'Authorization': authHeaderValue('Bob', '1234') };
于 2013-01-14T03:37:15.443 回答

您可以自己创建授权标头。但您也可以像这样在 url 中输入凭据:

var username = "test", password = "pass";     
var uri = encodeURI("http://"+username + ':' + password +"@localhost:8000/api/upload");

有关实现,请参见 FileTransfer.js(第 45 行):

function getBasicAuthHeader(urlString) {
var header =  null;

// This is changed due to MS Windows doesn't support credentials in http uris
// so we detect them by regexp and strip off from result url
// Proof: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsapps/en-US/a327cf3c-f033-4a54-8b7f-03c56ba3203f/windows-foundation-uri-security-problem

if (window.btoa) {
    var credentials = getUrlCredentials(urlString);
    if (credentials) {
        var authHeader = "Authorization";
        var authHeaderValue = "Basic " + window.btoa(credentials);

        header = {
            name : authHeader,
            value : authHeaderValue

return header;
于 2017-05-03T15:13:15.910 回答

headers 数组的正确位置是选项的直接子级。选项->标题。不是选项-> 参数-> 标题。这是一个例子:

//Variables used below:
//1 - image_name: contains the actual name of the image file.
//2 - token: contains authorization token. In my case, JWT.
//3 - UPLOAD_URL: URL to which the file will be uploaded.
//4 - image_full_path - Full path for the picture to be uploaded.
var options = {
  fileKey: "file",
  fileName: 'picture',
  chunkedMode: false,
  mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
  params : {'fileName': image_name}

var headers = {'Authorization':token};

//Here is the magic!
options.headers = headers;
//NOTE: I creaed a separate object for headers to better exemplify what
// is going on here. Obviously you can simply add the header entry
// directly to options object above.

$cordovaFileTransfer.upload(UPLOAD_URL, image_full_path, options).then(
   function(result) {
      //do whatever with the result here.

这是官方文档:https ://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-file-transfer

于 2017-05-02T02:46:27.073 回答