我想在我的产品名称中删除带有数字(参考)或小字(2 个字符或更少)的单词,但我找不到好的正则表达式。


  • “Chaine anti-rebond ECS-2035”应该变成“Chaine anti-rebond”
  • “Guide 35 cm Oregon Intenz”应改为“Guide Oregon Intenz”
  • “Tronçonneuse sans fil AKE 30 LI - Guide 30 cm 36 V”应该变成“Tronçonneuse sans fil AKE - Guide”

我在 PHP 中这样做:

preg_replace('#([^A-Za-z-]+)#', ' ',' '.wd_remove_accents($modele).' ');

5 回答 5


你不需要在 RegExp 中做所有你知道的事情:


$str = "Chaine anti-rebond ECS-2035 cm 30 v";
$result = array();

$split = explode(" ", $str); //Split to an array

foreach ($split as $word) {
    if ((strlen($word) <= 2) || (preg_match("|\d|", $word))) {  //If word is <= 2 char long, or contains a digit
        continue;                                               //Continue to next iteration immediately 
    $result[] = $word;                                          //Add word to result array (would only happen if the above condition was false)

$result = implode(" ", $result);                                //Implode result back to string

echo $result;

对于基于单词的字符串操作,解析字符串本身,以单词为基础准确地调节您想要的内容,通常比字符串级别的 RegExp 好得多。

于 2012-04-25T12:35:43.660 回答

要处理像 in 这样的 unicode 字符,tronçonneuse您可以使用:



于 2012-04-25T12:43:06.057 回答

Well, for the combinations in your example the following regex would do:


Then just replace the match with an empty string.

However, it doesn't allow for strings like aaa897bbb - just aaa786 or 876aaa (and an optional dash). I don't know what it is that you require - you would have to specify the rules in more detail before the regex can be refined.

于 2012-04-25T12:35:22.660 回答


$subject = 'Tronçonneuse sans fil AKE 30 LI - Guide 30 cm 36 V';
$regex = '/(\\s+\\w{1,2}(?=\\W+))|(\\s+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\d+)/';
$result = preg_replace($regex, '', $subject);
于 2012-04-25T12:45:39.497 回答


这将适用于所有 3 个测试字符串:


$str = "Tronçonneuse sans fil AKE 30 LI - Guide 30 cm 36 V";

function filter_cb($matches)
    $word = trim($matches[0]);

    if ($word !== '-' && (strlen($word) <= 2 || (preg_match("/\d/", $word)))) {
        return '';

    return $matches[0];

$result = preg_replace_callback('/([\p{L}\p{N}-]+\s*)/u', "filter_cb", $str);

echo trim($result);
于 2012-04-25T12:31:58.707 回答