我有一个 C 程序,我需要使用包含一些测试数据的文件对其进行测试并自动输出结果。我怎样才能做到这一点?我应该修改程序还是应该使用 C 或 Python 之类的其他东西编写另一个程序?哪个更容易?
这是我的 C 程序:
int main()
double wh,sh,salary;
int num = 0;
int valid = 1;
printf("Please input two non-negative numbers as a employee's working hours in one week and salary per hour.\n");
printf("Notice that the salary per hour can't be greater than 1000\nAlso you can't input more than 10 sets of data\n");
printf("Input them like this:\n20,34\nthen enter the Enter key\n");
while(scanf("%lf,%lf",&wh,&sh) == 2 && num < 10)
if(sh <0 || wh <0)
printf("Salary per hour or salary per hour can't be negative!\n");
else if(wh > 168)
printf("Working hours in one week can't be more than 168!\n");
else if(sh > 1000)
printf("Salary can't be greater than 1000!\n");
num ++;
if(wh <= 40)
if(sh <= 1000)
salary = wh * sh;
else if(sh > 1000 )
salary = wh * 1000;
else if(wh > 40 && wh <= 50)
if(sh*1.5 < 1000)
salary = 40*sh + (wh-40)*1.5*sh;
else if(sh*1.5 > 1000 && sh < 1000)
salary = 40*sh + (wh-40)*1000;
else if(sh > 1000)
salary = wh * 1000;
else if(wh > 50)
if(sh*3 < 1000)
salary = 40*sh + 10*1.5*sh + (wh-50)*3*sh;
else if(sh*1.5 < 1000 && sh*3 >=1000)
salary = 40*sh + 10*1.5*sh + (wh-50)*1000;
else if(sh*1.5 >= 1000 && sh <= 1000)
salary = 40*sh + (wh-40)*1000;
else if(sh > 1000)
salary = wh*1000;
printf("The total working hours is %lf, and salary per hour is %lf, salary is %lf\n",wh,sh,salary);
return 0;