我试图将我的一些 Objective-C 项目从 GCC 切换到 Linux 上的 Clang。我使用了 GCC 4.6.2 运行时,因为 Clang 编译器没有附带一个。编译和链接工作,但使用protocol_*
以下示例适用于 GCC,但不适用于 Clang:
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdio.h>
@protocol MyProtocol
+ aClassMethod;
- anInstanceMethod;
void doIt(Protocol *p, SEL sel)
printf("the protocol: %p\n", p);
if (!p) return;
printf("the protocol's name: %s\n", protocol_getName(p));
struct objc_method_description d = protocol_getMethodDescription(p, sel, YES, YES);
printf("required: YES instance: YES → %p\n", d.name);
d = protocol_getMethodDescription(p, sel, YES, NO);
printf("required: YES instance: NO → %p\n", d.name);
d = protocol_getMethodDescription(p, sel, NO, YES);
printf("required: NO instance: YES → %p\n", d.name);
d = protocol_getMethodDescription(p, sel, NO, NO);
printf("required: NO instance: NO → %p\n", d.name);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Protocol *p1 = @protocol(MyProtocol);
printf("class method first:\n");
doIt(p1, @selector(aClassMethod));
printf("instance method follows:\n");
doIt(p1, @selector(anInstanceMethod));
Protocol *p2 = objc_getProtocol("MyProtocol");
printf("class method first:\n");
doIt(p2, @selector(aClassMethod));
printf("instance method follows:\n");
doIt(p2, @selector(anInstanceMethod));
return 0;
GCC 编译程序的预期输出:
class method first:
the protocol: 0x804a06c
the protocol's name: MyProtocol
required: YES instance: YES → (nil)
required: YES instance: NO → 0x804b530
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
instance method follows:
the protocol: 0x804a06c
the protocol's name: MyProtocol
required: YES instance: YES → 0x804b528
required: YES instance: NO → (nil)
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
class method first:
the protocol: 0x804a06c
the protocol's name: MyProtocol
required: YES instance: YES → (nil)
required: YES instance: NO → 0x804b530
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
instance method follows:
the protocol: 0x804a06c
the protocol's name: MyProtocol
required: YES instance: YES → 0x804b528
required: YES instance: NO → (nil)
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
Clang 编译程序的意外输出:
class method first:
the protocol: 0x804a050
the protocol's name: (null)
required: YES instance: YES → (nil)
required: YES instance: NO → (nil)
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
instance method follows:
the protocol: 0x804a050
the protocol's name: (null)
required: YES instance: YES → (nil)
required: YES instance: NO → (nil)
required: NO instance: YES → (nil)
required: NO instance: NO → (nil)
class method first:
the protocol: (nil)
instance method follows:
the protocol: (nil)
这里有什么问题?是否有一些神奇的初始化代码在使用 Clang 时不会被调用?
@interface MyInstance <MyProtocol>
@implementation MyInstance
+ aClassMethod
return nil;
- anInstanceMethod
return nil;