我的通配符证书在三周后到期,我刚刚更新并安装了新证书,所以我的 IIS 现在有两个。

我目前有 30 多个站点正在运行,我想一一更新它们以使用更新的证书。虽然我没有看到 appcmd set site 允许我指定要使用的证书的参数。我真的很讨厌不得不删除旧证书并尽快重新添加所有站点,这意味着我的站点将在几分钟内没有 SSL。


1 回答 1


Seems like there were no other possibilities, I decided to go ahead and update them manually as quickly as possible. When entering the "Bindings" popup for the first website, it warned me (as usual with https bindings) that multiple sites were detected. I ignored the warning and set the new certificate for the first website. That also updated the https bindings on all the other sites apparently. I have checked with various online SSL checkers and the sites all seems to be updated now. Phew.

于 2012-05-11T09:10:55.313 回答