我正在尝试将 object[,] 数组元素转换为 int 以进行条件运算符比较。我的 classesArray 由字符串和整数组成。我引用的列的值只能为 1 或 0,因为我将它用作标志。如果有 1,我希望它继续到下一行/行。我使用的代码没有正确执行程序

while (classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] == (object)1)

我的整个 tempArray 都填满了 classesArray 的第一行。所以,我试图尝试

while ((int)classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] > 0)



private void ProcessObjects(object[,] classesArray, object[,] classesAvailabilityArray, Excel.Workbook workbook2, Excel.Sheets excelSheets)
        // once classes are selected, they are copied to a temporary location
        // while they're waiting to be printed
        object[,] tempArray = new object[6,3];

        // This stops the while loop once enough credit hours have been taken 
        // if a break condition has not been met first.
        // It must reach 123 hours for CS Degree .
        int hourCounter = 0;

        int iteration = 0;

        while (hourCounter < 123)
            // this while loop copies some classes from classes array to tempArray
            // so they can be printed into the excel template (NewStudentTemplateCS.xlsx)
            int classes = 1, hours = 0; // stops while loop if limit is reached
            int tempArrayRow = 0, tempArrayCol = 0; // used to select individual elements of tempArray
            int classesArrayRow = 1, classesArrayCol = 1; // used to select individual elements of classesArray

            while(classes < 7 || hours < 17)
                // this loop checks the status of the flag and stops at the first avaliable
                // class/row of classesArray
                while (classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] == (object)1)

                // copies the call EX: "MATH 2313" from classesArray to tempArray
                tempArray[tempArrayRow,tempArrayCol] = classesArray[classesArrayRow,classesArrayCol];
                tempArrayCol ++;
                classesArrayCol += 2;
                // copies the name EX: "Calculus I" from classesArray to tempArray
                tempArray[tempArrayRow, tempArrayCol] = classesArray[classesArrayRow, classesArrayCol];
                // Copies the hours EX: "3" from classesArray to tempArray
                tempArray[tempArrayRow, tempArrayCol] = classesArray[classesArrayRow, classesArrayCol];

                // increments classes, hours, and hourCounter for exit decision
                classes += 1;

                // converts object element to an int for the following "+=" operator
                int numberOfHours = Convert.ToInt32(classesArray[classesArrayRow, classesArrayCol]);

                // adds numberOfHours to the following varriable to increment loop exit decision
                hours += numberOfHours;
                hourCounter += numberOfHours;

                // sets flag to one
                classesArrayCol += 3;
                classesArray[classesArrayRow, classesArrayCol] = 1;

                //reset column varriables
                classesArrayCol = 1;
                tempArrayCol = 0;

                // increments row for temp array

            }// end while loop

            // print method that prints temp array and clears tempArray for next use
            PrintArray(tempArray, iteration, workbook2, excelSheets);

            // iterates iteration

        } // end while loop

    } // end ProcessObjects method


标头 = 呼叫、号码、班级名称、小时数、先决条件编号、先决条件名称和标志。第 1 行 = MATH 2313、1000、微积分 I、3、0、0 和 0。第 2 行 = MATH 2113、1001,微积分实验室 I、1、0、0 和 0

我想打印第 1 行 = MATH 2113、微积分 I 和 3。第 2 行 = MATH 2113、微积分实验室 1 和 1

我用 0 填充了所有空元素


2 回答 2


代码classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] == (object)1将执行引用比较,它应该总是在装箱的整数上返回 false。正确的方法是:

while ((int)classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] != 0){
于 2012-04-25T04:40:17.000 回答

One quick way to solve your problem is to write code to check whether is a string or number

if(classesArray[0,7] is int) // values were imported as ints
    while ((int)classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] == 1)
if(classesArray[0,7] is string) // values were imported as strings
    while ((string)classesArray[classesArrayRow,7] == "0")

I would definitely change the whole code, especially when it's not one time task.

于 2012-04-25T05:29:56.873 回答