我正在开发一个从 vb6 迁移到 vb.net 的项目。在使用水晶报告期间,我遇到了这个问题。实际上,我必须在报告中打印我的应用程序的 axmschart。所以我使用以下代码:
gtmpString = Application.StartupPath & gsGraphPicPath
Dim myPic As New Bitmap(_chtAnlysGraph_0.AsBitmap)'''''ERROR here...as bitmap is not a member of AXMSCHART''''''''
PictureBox1.Image = myPic
PictureBox1.Image.Save(gtmpString, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
Dim intCount As Short
Dim dRow As DataRow
Dim dTable As New DataTable
Dim dt As New DataSetResults.AnalysisTableDataTable 'Report filling
dTable = dt.Copy
dRow = dTable.NewRow
For intCount = 1 To msgAnlysData.Rows - 1
dRow = dTable.NewRow
dRow.Item("Sr_No") = msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 1)
dRow.Item("abs_val") = msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 2)
dRow.Item("pt_conc") = msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 3)
dRow.Item("lin_conc") = msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 4)
dRow.Item("poly_conc") = msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 5)
'If gtmpString = True Then
gtmpString = Application.StartupPath & gsGraphPicPath
dRow.Item("graph1") = savepic(gtmpString)
' End If
If msgAnlysData.get_TextMatrix(intCount, 2) = Nothing Then
End If
Next intCount