我正在尝试使用 koala ruby gem 通过 API 更新 facebook 业务页面的地址/位置,到目前为止还没有有效的解决方案。
page_access_token = "gw4t3434"
page_api = Koala::Facebook::API.new(page_access_token)
page_api.graph_call('me', {:location => {:street => "my street"}}, 'post') #error. Koala::Facebook::APIError: OAuthException: (#100) Parameters do not match any fields that can be updated
page_api.graph_call('me', {:location => {:address => "my street"}}, 'post') #error. Koala::Facebook::APIError: OAuthException: (#100) Parameters do not match any fields that can be updated
page_api.graph_call('me', {:address => "my street"}}, 'post')# not raise error but not working
page_api.graph_call('me', {:street => "my street"}}, 'post')# not raise error but not working
我在facebook api 参考中也找不到关于更新页面地址的明确解释。我可能会遗漏一些东西...