working on converting our company site over to something more responsive so reworking the css to use em's instead of the tried and true px.

The problem i'm running into is the inheritance of font-size and am looking for best practices for this issue.

This is how I'm solving the problem as of now.

jsfiddle for your viewing pleasure


<h3>Heading with a <a href="#">Link</a></h3>

<p>this is a paragraph with a <a href="#">Link</a> inside of it</p>
<a href="#">this is a link outside the paragraph</a>​


body {font:normal 100% sans-serif;}
p {font:normal 1.5em sans-serif; margin-bottom:.5em;}
h3 {font:bold 3em serif; margin-bottom:.5em; }
a:link {font-size:1.5em;}

p a, li a, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a,
h6 a, dl a, blockquote a, dt a, dd a, td a {
    font-size:1em !important;

I understand that em's are related to the parent font-size. so if I set p{font-size:1.5em;} and also set a:link{font-size:1.5em;} and my <a> is outside of my <p> then they will have the same relative size, great.

But if i then place an <a> inside a <p> the font size of the embedded <a> is now larger as it is 1.5em's larger than the <p>. To overcome this I set the last style with a string of p a, li a, h1 a,......{font-size:1em !important;}. Since a:link has a higher specificity than just p a i had to use !important (not a fan of !important), also i can't use font-size:inherit; as we have to support, dare i say it, ie6 (still have 15% traffic, we are biotech and some companies just refuse to upgrade).

So my question to you is this. Am I going about this the right way in tackling tags inside of tags to prevent my typography from breaking up? As soon as i wrote the last style i thought to myself, this can become a nightmare to maintain! I would like to use rem but the browser support isn't there for a portion of users.

How do you solve this problem in your own css and what would be a "best practices" approach to this.


3 回答 3






a:link{font-size:1.5em;}例如,如果您已经设置,您可以轻松地为段落内的链接覆盖它,而无需使用!important. 你只需要更具体,这里的自然方式就是p a:link{font-size:1em;}.

于 2012-04-25T04:12:41.320 回答

您可能应该避免选择 just a,并且当您希望它们的大小与从容器继承的大小不同时,只需为它们添加更具体的选择器。我从不只为 更改字体大小a,而是在需要时更改其容器上的字体大小。同样,出于同样的原因,我避免为其他内联元素(例如 span、em、strong)添加字体大小。

于 2012-04-25T00:46:13.110 回答

我建议使用重置样式表,例如Eric Meyer 的 reset.css,它将字体设置为在所有元素上继承。然后设置默认(或“主要”)字体大小body并使用相对em单位设置所有其他元素的字体大小。



    font-size: 1.5em;

    font-size: 1.5em;

p a
    font-size: 1em;
于 2012-04-24T23:34:12.093 回答