I have a JavaScript program in which I will be managing a lot of ranges of integers. In this context, a range is simply a start and an end value (or anything equivalent, like a start and a length value), with a reference to another object. The ranges can overlap, and can be identical (although the referenced object will be different).
The possible start and end values are between 0 and 4294967295 (232 - 1 or 0xFFFFFFFF
), although there are several big "holes" in the domain that no range will ever cover, even partially. Most ranges will be very small compared to the domain of possibilities: I expect that the overwhelming majority will have a length smaller than 2000.
My most important use case for this structure will be to look up all ranges that contain a given integer value. Most of the time, I expect the lookup to fail (there will be no range containing the given value).
Otherwise, I will obviously also need to add elements to it (often) and delete elements from it (seldom). Once in a while, too, I'll need to find all ranges that overlap a given range, rather than all ranges that contain a single value.
What kind of data structure can I use for that? A linear search in a list of ranges is impractical because the lookups fail most of the time; and I need to do lookups very, very often.