
我在实现基于策略的深度优先搜索时遇到问题,该策略在 strategy.py 类中定义。还有一个图和一个遍历类。遍历类负责很好地遍历图。


class Strategy:

init_priority = 0

def __init__(self, init_pri = 0):
    self.init_priority = init_pri

def init(self, graph, node):
    """Called at beginning of traversal process.  Expected that
    this will carry out any necessary initialisation for the
    specific traversal process

def visit(self, node, pri):
    """Called whenever NODE is visited by a traversal process.
    PRI is the priority associated with the node in the priority
    queue used by the traversal process.

def complete(self, node):
    """Called at the end of all the processing performed in visiting NODE.

def discover(self, nbr, node, weight, pri):
    """Return the priority that should be associated with NBR when it is 
    added to the priority queue.

    Called whenever NBR is discovered for the first time.  NODE
    is the node from which the neighbour was discovered, and
    WEIGHT is the value on the edge from NODE to NBR.  PRI is the
    value associated with NODE in the priority queue, at the time
    of discovering NBR.

def rediscover(self, nbr, node, weight, pri):
    """Return the priority that should be associated with NBR when it is 
    added to the priority queue.

    Called whenever NBR is rediscovered.  NODE is the node from
    which the neighbour is rediscovered, and WEIGHT is the value
    associated with the edge from NODE to NBR.  PRI is the
    priority of NODE in the priority queue.  It is provided in
    case it is relevant to the traversal strategy (e.g. for Dijkstra's)

def getResult(self):
    """Called at the end of the traversal process.  It should
    return whatever is relevant or appropriate for the type of
    traversal implemented by this strategy.


class BreadthFirst(Strategy):

sequence = None             # the sequence in which nodes are visted
treeEdges = None            # the edges used to visit the nodes traversed
root = -1                   # the origin of the traversal
last_pri = -1               # the most recent priority used

def __init__(self):
    """The BreadthFirst strategy uses an initial priority of 0"""

def init(self, graph, node):
    """We reset all our state information so that old traversals do not
    affect the one that is about to start."""

    self.last_pri = self.init_priority
    self.treeEdges = []
    self.sequence = []
    self.root = -1

def visit(self, node, src, pri):
    """Breadth first traversal pays no attention to weights."""
    if src == -1:
        self.root = node
        self.treeEdges.append((src, node))

def complete(self, node):

def discover(self, nbr, node, pri):
    """Want FIFO behaviour so increment priority (ignore weights)"""
    self.last_pri += 1
    return self.last_pri

def rediscover(self, nbr, node, pri):
    """Rules for rediscovery same as for discovery (because weights are
    self.last_pri += 1
    return self.last_pri

def getResult(self):
    """Return the details of the traversal as a dictionary."""
    return {"origin":self.root, 


class DepthFirst(Strategy):

forward = None             # the forward sequence in which nodes are visted
back = None                # the backward sequence in which nodes are visited
treeEdges = None           # the edges used to visit the nodes traversed              
cross = None
root = -1                   # the origin of the traversal
last_pri = -1               # the most recent priority used

def __init__(self):
    """The DepthFirst strategy uses an initial priority of 0"""

def init(self, graph, node):
    """Called at beginning of traversal process.  Expected that
    this will carry out any necessary initialisation for the
    specific traversal process
    self.last_pri = self.init_priority
    self.treeEdges = []
    self.forward = []
    self.back = []
    self.cross = []

def visit(self, node, src, pri):
    """Called whenever NODE is visited by a traversal process.
    PRI is the priority associated with the node in the priority
    queue used by the traversal process.
    if src == -1:
        self.root = node
        self.treeEdges.append((src, node))

def complete(self, node):
    """Called at the end of all the processing performed in visiting NODE.
    if node not in self.forward:

def discover(self, nbr, node, pri):
    """Return the priority that should be associated with NBR when it is 
    added to the priority queue.

    Called whenever NBR is discovered for the first time.  NODE
    is the node from which the neighbour was discovered, and
    WEIGHT is the value on the edge from NODE to NBR.  PRI is the
    value associated with NODE in the priority queue, at the time
    of discovering NBR.
    self.forward.append((node, nbr))
    self.last_pri -= 1
    return self.last_pri

def rediscover(self, nbr, node, pri):
    """Return the priority that should be associated with NBR when it is 
    added to the priority queue.

    Called whenever NBR is rediscovered.  NODE is the node from
    which the neighbour is rediscovered, and WEIGHT is the value
    associated with the edge from NODE to NBR.  PRI is the
    priority of NODE in the priority queue.  It is provided in
    case it is relevant to the traversal strategy (e.g. for Dijkstra's)
    self.back.append((nbr, node))
    self.last_pri -= 1
    return self.last_pri

def getResult(self):
    """Called at the end of the traversal process.  It should
    return whatever is relevant or appropriate for the type of
    traversal implemented by this strategy.
    return {"tree":self.treeEdges,



1 回答 1


如果你只是写这两个,你会做通常的迭代循环,使用 DFS 的堆栈和 BFS 的队列。在这里,您正在统一具有优先级队列的那些。所以你需要确定优先级,以便这两种行为出现。对于 DFS,这意味着每次添加某些内容时,它的优先级都比以前更高(因此它会在已经存在的内容之前出现) - 增加正数就可以了。对于 BFS,它需要低于您迄今为止添加的任何内容(因此它会在已经存在的内容之后出现) - 减少负数效果很好。

这只是我扫描您的代码的结果。我可能是错的,我不会详细查看 - 我只是认为这是一种有趣的方式来看待可能有帮助的事情。

ps 用“homework”标记作业是正常的。如果你不这样做,人们会婊子。

于 2012-04-24T22:25:59.270 回答