(5:42) Set database entry {healthpoints2} to the value 100.
(5:140) Move the user to position (29,40) on the map.
我想在最后突出显示 100,而不突出显示大括号中的 (5:42) 或 2。数字不会总是在同一个地方,也不会总是只有一个数字。
“匹配任何不在 {} 之间且不匹配 (#:#) 模式的数字。”
(0:7) When somebody moves into position (**10** fhejwkfhwjekf **20**,
(0:20) When somebody rolls exactly **10** on **2** dice of **6** sides,
(0:31) When somebody says {...},
(3:3) within the diamond (**5**,**10**) - **20** //// **25**,
(3:14) in a line starting at (#, #) and going # more spaces northeast.
(5:10) play sound # to everyone who can see (#,#).
(5:14) move the user to (#,#) if there's nobody already there.
(5:272) set message ~msg to be the portion of message ~msg from position # to position #.
(5:302) take variable %var and add # to it.
(5:600) set database entry {...} about the user to #.
(5:601) set database entry {...} about the user named {...} to #.