我正在使用 Paypal 的自适应支付系统。使用沙盒帐户,我能够发出 PayRequest 并被转发到 Paypal 进行付款。然后它看起来像:


2012 年 4 月 24 日晚上 10:35:46 com.paypal.adaptive.api.requests.PayRequest 执行信息:发送 PayRequest 与:requestEnvelope.errorLanguage =en_US& actionType =PAY& receiverList.receiver(0).email =seller_1334320690_biz%40email.org& receiverList.receiver(0).amount =5.0& currencyCode =EUR& feePayer =SENDER& cancelUrl =https%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8443& returnUrl =http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2F& ipnNotificationUrl =http%3A%2F%2Flocalhostu%2Ffinishdeposit&


2012 年 4 月 24 日晚上 10:35:48 com.paypal.adaptive.api.requests.PayPalBaseRequest makeRequest INFO:收到响应:responseEnvelope.timestamp =2012-04-24T13%3A35%3A48.587-07%3A00& responseEnvelope.ack =成功& responseEnvelope.correlationId =c8dee8023cca6& responseEnvelope.build =2756816& payKey =AP-1UF57245CJ360523K&paymentExecStatus=CREATED

我现在想弄清楚,我该如何检查,付款是否成功完成。所以我尝试实现 ipn 系统,它使用沙盒工具工作。但是,我不知道如何将 2 连接在一起。即,当付款时,我假设我需要在数据库中创建该用户已付款的记录,可能是挂起/创建的?然后等待ipn返回通知我支付成功,更新数据库表说完成?我如何将 PayRequest 与 IPN 通知相关联,我将从贝宝获得?Paypal 仅使用 IPN 通知发送一些信息,例如:

  • item_number=AK-1234
  • 居住国=美国
  • verify_sign=ArcmaOINNZx08uC3iQY0zhEQN3IZAz70ynRk93Or8ixRi23bb4rGNIrd
  • address_country=美国
  • address_city=圣何塞
  • address_status=未确认
  • payment_status=已完成
  • 业务=seller@paypalsandbox.com
  • payer_id=TESTBUYERID01
  • 名字=约翰
  • 运费=3.04
  • payer_email=buyer@paypalsandbox.com
  • mc_fee=0.44
  • txn_id=484221854
  • 数量=1
  • receiver_email=seller@paypalsandbox.com
  • 通知版本=2.1
  • txn_type=web_accept
  • test_ipn=1
  • 付款人状态=已验证
  • mc_currency=美元
  • mc_gross=12.34
  • 自定义=xyz123
  • mc_gross_1=9.34
  • payment_date=11:54:48 2012 年 4 月 22 日 PDT
  • 字符集=windows-1252
  • address_country_code=美国
  • 地址_zip=95131
  • 地址状态=CA
  • 税=2.02
  • item_name=某事
  • address_name=约翰·史密斯
  • 姓氏=史密斯
  • 付款类型=即时
  • address_street=123, 任意街道
  • receiver_id=TESTSELLERID1

我在那个 IPN 通知中找不到可用的东西。最好的情况是,如果我能获得与我已经通过付费响应获得的 IPN 通知相同的相关 ID。所以我可以将 response-correlation-id 保存在我的数据库中,然后检查它是否收到具有相同相关 id 的 IPN 通知。


3 回答 3


他们在沙盒中给你的测试IPN很糟糕。查看触发到您的实际回调(甚至是测试)的真实事件,您会看到它定义了 payKey;这是你用来查找它的。

请注意,IPN 回调需要端口 80(尽管在任何地方都没有记录)。

这是一个真实的 IPN 通知(转换为 JSON,特定于我的应用程序的信息已编辑):

{"payment_request_date":"Sun Jun 24 06:12:20 PDT 2012",
"transaction_type":"Adaptive Payment PAY",
"transaction[0].amount":"USD 1.00",

请注意,您必须在 PAY 请求中手动设置 reverse_all_parallel_payments_on_error。即使他们建议这样做(它可能会为您节省焦虑),但默认情况下它是错误的。

此外,如果您错过了 IPN,您可以使用 PaymentDetails 直接获取所有相同的信息。

我不知道 @swade1987 在看什么,但我的 IPN 不包含有关费用金额的任何信息。(这实际上就是我找到这篇文章的方式;试图找出原因。PP API 文档很糟糕。)


于 2012-06-24T19:03:24.457 回答


我最近才开始自己处理 Paypal API。OP 引用的 IPN 消息是通过卖家资料中定义的 IPN 通知 URL 传递的消息。相比之下,@sai 引用的 IPN 是自适应支付 IPN,传递到 Pay、ExecutePaypement 或 Preapproval API 请求中定义的 ipnNotificationUrl。

它们是两种不同类型的 IPN 消息并已记录在案,请查找支付信息变量和支付/预批准消息变量。如果您同时选择这两种类型的 IPN,则可以获得这两种类型的 IPN。

对于 OP 引用的 IPN 消息,可以使用 txn_id 字段的值通过 transactionId 获取 PaymentDetails。transationId 与 payKey 一样可以引用已完成的付款。

于 2014-11-20T09:51:42.960 回答


namespace Gateway
    public class MerchantSellerIPNService : IMerchantSellerIPNService
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method which is hit when using the URL in the PAY request to PayPal.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ProcessIPN(Stream stream)
            // Declare locally used variables.
            byte[] requestArray = null;
            string requestString = null;
            string responseString = null;
            StreamReader IPNReturnReader;
            StreamWriter streamWriter;
            MemoryStream responseStream = new MemoryStream();
            HttpWebRequest payPalRequest;
            System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();

            // Get the URL to send the IPN received back to PayPal (use either of the two below depending on the environment.)
            <add key="PAYPAL_IPN_URL" value="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" />
            <add key="PAYPAL_IPN_URL" value="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"/>

            string IPNReturnURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAYPAL_IPN_URL"];

            // Read in the data provided from PayPal
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream);

            // Obtain the email address and pre-approval key passed to use via PayPal for later use.
            string strPayPalMessage = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            // Initalize the POST web request we are going to send to PayPal to valid the IPN we received from them.
            payPalRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(IPNReturnURL);
            payPalRequest.Method = "POST";
            payPalRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

            // Create an array containing the IPN message PayPal sent to us.
            requestArray = encoding.GetBytes(strPayPalMessage);

            // Then add the necessary string to the back to use for verfication.
            requestString = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(requestArray);
            requestString += "&cmd=_notify-validate";
            payPalRequest.ContentLength = requestString.Length;

            // Now write the updated IPN message back to PayPal for verification.
            streamWriter = new StreamWriter(payPalRequest.GetRequestStream(), System.Text.Encoding.ASCII);

            // Read the response from PayPal and process it.
            IPNReturnReader = new StreamReader(payPalRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
            responseString = IPNReturnReader.ReadToEnd();

            if (responseString == "VERIFIED")
                    if (strPayPalMessage.Contains("payment_status=Completed"))
                        if (ProcessPaymentIPNMessage(strPayPalMessage))
                            PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Able to create new payment Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
                            PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new payment Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
                    else if (strPayPalMessage.Contains("payment_status=Refunded"))
                        if (ProcessRefundIPNMessage(strPayPalMessage))
                            PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessRefundIPNMessage - Able to create new refund Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
                            PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("ProcessRefundIPNMessage - Unable to create new refund Transaction Detail Record"), "DEBUG");
                        PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - ProcessIPN - Unknown message type"), "DEBUG");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - ProcessIPN failed"), "DEBUG");
            else if (responseString == "INVALID")
                PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - Invalid IPN Message Received: "), "DEBUG");
                PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception("MerchantSellerIPNService - Fatal IPN Message Received: "), "DEBUG");

            return "MerchantSellerIPNService Completed";

        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to process the Payment IPN notification message and update the database as required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessPaymentIPNMessage(string PayPalIPNMessage)
            // Firstly, we need to split the IPN message into sections based on the & sign.
            string[] PayPalMessageElemetsArray = PayPalIPNMessage.Split('&');

            // Now obtain the list of information (from the message) we require to make the TransactionDetail record.
            string merchantTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            string feeAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_fee=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            string grossAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_gross=", StringComparison.Ordinal));

            string errorMessage2 = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - merchantTransactionId: {0}, feeAmount: {1}, grossAmount: {2}", merchantTransactionId, feeAmount, grossAmount);
            PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage2), "DEBUG");

                // We now need to remove the variable name and '=' from the elements so we only have the necessary information.
                merchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId.Replace("txn_id=", "");
                feeAmount = feeAmount.Replace("mc_fee=", "");
                grossAmount = grossAmount.Replace("mc_gross=", "");

                // Now convert the values obtained from the IPN message and calculate the net amount.
                decimal dFeeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(feeAmount);
                decimal dGrossAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(grossAmount);
                decimal dNetAmount = Math.Round((dGrossAmount - dFeeAmount), 2);

                    // Finally create the new transaction fee record.
                    TransactionDetail transactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
                    transactionDetail.MerchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId;
                    transactionDetail.Gross = dGrossAmount;
                    transactionDetail.Fee = Decimal.Negate(dFeeAmount);
                    transactionDetail.Net = dNetAmount;
                    transactionDetail.TransactionType = (int)TransactionDetailTransactionType.InStorePayment;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
                    PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
                    return false;

                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
                PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
                return false;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to process the Refund IPN notification message and update the database as required.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ProcessRefundIPNMessage(string PayPalIPNMessage)
            // Firstly, we need to split the IPN message into sections based on the & sign.
            string[] PayPalMessageElemetsArray = PayPalIPNMessage.Split('&');

            // Now obtain the list of information (from the message) we require to make the TransactionDetail record.
            string merchantTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            string parentTransactionId = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("parent_txn_id=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            string feeAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_fee=", StringComparison.Ordinal));
            string grossAmount = Array.Find(PayPalMessageElemetsArray, element => element.StartsWith("mc_gross=", StringComparison.Ordinal));

                // We now need to remove the variable name and '=' from the elements so we only have the necessary information.
                merchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId.Replace("txn_id=", "");
                parentTransactionId = parentTransactionId.Replace("parent_txn_id=", "");
                feeAmount = feeAmount.Replace("mc_fee=", "").Replace("-", "");
                grossAmount = grossAmount.Replace("mc_gross=", "").Replace("-", "");

                // Now convert the values obtained from the IPN message and calculate the net amount.
                decimal dFeeAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(feeAmount);
                decimal dGrossAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(grossAmount);
                decimal dNetAmount = Math.Round((dGrossAmount - dFeeAmount), 2);

                // Now create the new transaction fee record.
                    // Finally create the new transaction fee record.
                    TransactionDetail transactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
                    transactionDetail.MerchantTransactionId = merchantTransactionId;
                    transactionDetail.Gross = dGrossAmount;
                    transactionDetail.Fee = Decimal.Negate(dFeeAmount);
                    transactionDetail.Net = dNetAmount;
                    transactionDetail.TransactionType = (int)TransactionDetailTransactionType.InStoreRefund;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
                    PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
                    return false;

                // Finally update the PurchaseRefund record with the Parent Transaction Id (used as a backup incase the API IPN message for the payment wasn't received).
                    PurchaseRefund refund = PurchaseRefund.SingleOrDefault(x => x.RefundTransactionId == merchantTransactionId);
                    if (refund != null)
                        refund.ParentTransactionId = parentTransactionId;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to update PurchaseRefund record (Transaction ID: {0}) with Parent Transaction Id: {1}", merchantTransactionId, parentTransactionId);
                    PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
                    return false;

                // If all is succesful we can return true.
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorMessage = String.Format("ProcessPaymentIPNMessage - Unable to create new TransactionDetail record for Merchant Transaction ID: {0}", merchantTransactionId);
                PayPalInStore.Utils.ErrorHandler.LogError(new Exception(errorMessage), "DEBUG");
                return false;
于 2012-04-27T13:47:18.423 回答