#lets get the latest
git pull
#lets switch to branch and do some work
git checkout -b makeSomeBugs
#do the work commit
git add .
git commit -am "introducing some bugs"
#push this for my lazy remote friend to see
git push origin makeSomeBugs
#uh .. changes on master
git pull origin master
#do some work..
git commit -am "introducing some more bugs"
git push origin makeSomeBugs
#lets switch back to master
git checkout master
git pull
#work is done, lets merge
git merge --no-ff makeSomeBugs
git push origin
#and remove the branch to never ever see it again
git push origin :makeSomeBugs
git branch -d makeSomeBugs
各种博客资源(但它们已经很老了)说在 mercurial 中这样的分支是行不通的,尤其是在永久删除分支的情况下......