Function LinkTable(DbName As String, SrcTblName As String, _
Optional TblName As String = "", _
Optional ServerName As String = DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME, _
Optional DbFormat As String = "ODBC") As Boolean
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim TName As String, td As TableDef
On Error GoTo Err_LinkTable
If Len(TblName) = 0 Then
TName = SrcTblName
TName = TblName
End If
'Do not overwrite local tables.'
If DCount("*", "msysObjects", "Type=1 AND Name=" & Qt(TName)) > 0 Then
MsgBox "There is already a local table named " & TName
Exit Function
End If
Set db = CurrentDb
'Drop any linked tables with this name'
If DCount("*", "msysObjects", "Type In (4,6,8) AND Name=" & Qt(TName)) > 0 Then
db.TableDefs.Delete TName
End If
With db
Set td = .CreateTableDef(TName)
td.Connect = BuildConnectString(DbFormat, ServerName, DbName)
td.SourceTableName = SrcTblName
.TableDefs.Append td
LinkTable = True
End With
Exit Function
'Replace following line with call to error logging function'
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LinkTable
End Function
Private Function BuildConnectString(DbFormat As String, _
ServerName As String, _
DbName As String, _
Optional SQLServerLogin As String = "", _
Optional SQLServerPassword As String = "") As String
Select Case DbFormat
Case "NativeClient10"
BuildConnectString = "ODBC;" & _
"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};" & _
"Server=" & ServerName & ";" & _
"Database=" & DbName & ";"
If Len(SQLServerLogin) > 0 Then
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
"Uid=" & SQLServerLogin & ";" & _
"Pwd=" & SQLServerPassword & ";"
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
End If
Case "ADO"
If Len(ServerName) = 0 Then
BuildConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & DbName & ";"
BuildConnectString = "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"Server=" & ServerName & ";" & _
"Database=" & DbName & ";"
If Len(SQLServerLogin) > 0 Then
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
"UserID=" & SQLServerLogin & ";" & _
"Password=" & SQLServerPassword & ";"
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;"
End If
End If
Case "ODBC"
BuildConnectString = "ODBC;" & _
"Driver={SQL Server};" & _
"Server=" & ServerName & ";" & _
"Database=" & DbName & ";"
If Len(SQLServerLogin) > 0 Then
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
"Uid=" & SQLServerLogin & ";" & _
"Pwd=" & SQLServerPassword & ";"
BuildConnectString = BuildConnectString & _
End If
Case "MDB"
BuildConnectString = ";Database=" & DbName
End Select
End Function
Function Qt(Text As Variant) As String
Const QtMark As String = """"
If IsNull(Text) Or IsEmpty(Text) Then
Qt = "Null"
Qt = QtMark & Replace(Text, QtMark, """""") & QtMark
End If
End Function