取自这里:http ://www.w3.org/TR/speech-synthesis/#S3.2.4
rate: a change in the speaking rate for the contained text. Legal values are:
a relative change or "x-slow", "slow", "medium", "fast", "x-fast", or "default".
Labels "x-slow" through "x-fast" represent a sequence of monotonically non-decreasing
speaking rates. When a number is used to specify a relative change it acts as a
multiplier of the default rate. For example, a value of 1 means no change in speaking
rate, a value of 2 means a speaking rate twice the default rate, and a value of 0.5
means a speaking rate of half the default rate. The default rate for a voice depends on
the language and dialect and on the personality of the voice. The default rate for a
voice should be such that it is experienced as a normal speaking rate for the voice when
reading aloud text. Since voices are processor-specific, the default rate will be as