有人可以解释如何将自定义字体、css 类样式添加到 Contribute 吗?

h1、h2、h3、ul、ol、p、span、blockquote 等的样式

我遇到的问题是,当我去编辑页面时,只出现标题样式,其余的都没有。如何使我在 css 上的所有样式都显示为所见即所得?



1 回答 1


You can change the settings on the "Publisher Settings" in Contribute.

There is a page "Styles and fonts" where you can allow the users to select all of your CSS elements.

Preferably you normally only make a selection of styles that you want the user to be able to choose. You can do this with a seperate CSS where you specify the styles that a user can select. This file doesn't contain much only some styles normally without actual formatting which is still in you main stylesheet.

See this tutorial for some help:


于 2009-06-23T18:39:31.767 回答