我有包含以下条目的 excel 单元格:



ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "name/A/date" & Chr(10) & "name/B/date" & Chr(10) & "name/C/date"
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=25, Length:=4).Font
    .FontStyle = "Bold"
End With



3 回答 3



lngPos = InStr(ActiveCell.Value, "/")
With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=lngPos - 1).Font
    .FontStyle = "Bold"
End With
于 2012-04-24T10:01:48.657 回答


在她的情况下,我们正在合并字符串并将串联写入一个由 vbCrLf (Chr(10)) 分隔的单元格,在她的最终输出中它看起来像这样

第 1
类: 第 2
类: 第 3 类:


Sub BoldCategory() 
RowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set MyRange = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(RowCount, 1))
For Each Cell In MyRange
    i = 1
    LineBreak = 1
    Do While LineBreak <> 0
        EndBoldPoint = InStr(i, Cell.Value, ":") + 1
        BoldLength = EndBoldPoint - i
        Cell.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=BoldLength).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
        LineBreak = InStr(i, Cell.Value, Chr(10))
        i = LineBreak + 1
Next Cell
End Sub

所以“:”是我输入的字符以获得终点。Chr(10) 告诉我第一行何时结束,下一行何时开始。当到达最后一行时,instr 返回 0,因此 while 循环退出。

于 2021-07-16T19:37:50.283 回答


Dim totalVals, startPos(), endPos(), i, j, strLen As Long
Dim currLine As String

' Split the cell value (a string) in lines of text
splitVals = Split(ActiveCell.Value, Chr(10))

' This is how many lines you have
totalVals = UBound(splitVals)

' For each line, you'll have a character where you want the string to start being BOLD
ReDim startPos(0 To totalVals)

' And one character where you'll want it to stop
ReDim endPos(0 To totalVals)

' The value of the current line (before we loop on ActiveCell.Value) is empty
currLine = ""

For i = 0 To totalVals ' For each line...

    ' Length of the string currently treated by our code : 0 if no treatment yet...
    strLen = Len(currLine)

    ' Here we parse and rewrite the current ActiveCell.Value, line by line, in a string
    currLine = currLine & IIf(currLine = "", "", Chr(10)) & splitVals(i)

    ' At each step (= each line), we define the start position of the bold part
    ' Here, it is the 1st character of the new line, i.e. strLen + 1
    startPos(i) = strLen + 1

    ' At each step (= each line), we define the end position of the bold part
    ' Here, it is just before the 1st "/" in the current line (hence we start from strLen)
    endPos(i) = InStr(IIf(strLen = 0, 1, strLen), currLine, "/")

Next i

' Then we use the calculated positions to get the characters in bold
For j = 0 To UBound(startPos)
    ActiveCell.Characters(startPos(j), endPos(j) - startPos(j)).Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
Next j


于 2017-12-15T13:12:25.663 回答