通常我使用 NoResultException 返回一个“空”对象,例如一个空的错误列表或 new BigInteger("0"),如果我没有从 TypedQuery 得到任何结果。现在事实证明,这有时是行不通的。突然 getSingleResult() 返回 null 而不是导致 NoResultException,我不明白为什么。看这个例子:

public BigInteger pointsSumByAccountId(long accountId)
        TypedQuery<BigInteger> pointsQuery = entityManager.createNamedQuery(Points.SumByAccountId, BigInteger.class);
        pointsQuery.setParameter(Points.AccountIdParameter, accountId);

        return pointsQuery.getSingleResult();
    catch (NoResultException e)
        return new BigInteger("0");


@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = "Points.sumByAccountId", query = "select sum(p.value) from Points p where p.validFrom <= current_timestamp() and p.validThru >= current_timestamp() and p.account.id = :accountId")})
public class Points
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -15545239875670390L;

    public static final String SumByAccountId = Points.class.getSimpleName() + ".sumByAccountId";
    public static final String AccountIdParameter = "accountId";

如果我使用没有结果的 accountId,我会得到 null 而不是 NoResultException。任何想法为什么会这样?甚至 TypedQuery 的 Javadoc 也说它必须返回 NoResultException:

 * Execute a SELECT query that returns a single result.
 * @return the result
 * @throws NoResultException if there is no result
 * @throws NonUniqueResultException if more than one result
 * @throws IllegalStateException if called for a Java
 * Persistence query language UPDATE or DELETE statement
 * @throws QueryTimeoutException if the query execution exceeds
 * the query timeout value set and only the statement is
 * rolled back
 * @throws TransactionRequiredException if a lock mode has
 * been set and there is no transaction
 * @throws PessimisticLockException if pessimistic locking
 * fails and the transaction is rolled back
 * @throws LockTimeoutException if pessimistic locking
 * fails and only the statement is rolled back
 * @throws PersistenceException if the query execution exceeds
 * the query timeout value set and the transaction
 * is rolled back
X getSingleResult();

1 回答 1



NoResultException当没有返回行时抛出,但在您的情况下只sum返回一行具有null值。来自 JPA 2.0 规范:

如果使用 SUM、AVG、MAX 或 MIN,并且没有可以应用聚合函数的值,则聚合函数的结果为 NULL。


select coalesce(sum(p.value), 0) ...
于 2012-04-24T11:26:53.747 回答