下面的代码应该抛出一个Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

var label:Label;
label.text = value;

但是,如果它位于由 MXML 数据绑定设置的 setter 内部,则不会:

public function set buggySetter(value:String):void {
    var label:Label;
    label.text = value; //will fail silently

为了重现这种奇怪的行为,首先,通过扩展 s:Label 创建一个简单的自定义组件:

package {
    import spark.components.Label;

    public class BuggyLabel extends Label {
        public function set buggySetter(value:String):void {
            var label:Label;
            label.text = value; //will fail silently

第二,将 BuggyLabel 添加到 Application 并绑定 buggySetter:

        public var foo:String = 'NULL has no properties';

<local:BuggyLabel buggySetter="{foo}"/>



2 回答 2


这个问题的答案实际上很简短:这是由 Flex SDK 工程师做出的架构决定。如果您查看 Flex 源代码,您会看到一个try ... catch块吞下了 Binding 中抛出的大多数错误。



我正在谈论的源代码可以mx.binding.Binding在 method 中(在“框架”项目中)找到wrapFunctionCall()。这是相关部分:

    try {
        // Certain errors are normal when executing a srcFunc or destFunc,
        // so we swallow them:
        //   Error #1006: Call attempted on an object that is not a function.
        //   Error #1009: null has no properties.
        //   Error #1010: undefined has no properties.
        //   Error #1055: - has no properties.
        //   Error #1069: Property - not found on - and there is no default value
        // We allow any other errors to be thrown.
        if ((error.errorID != 1006) &&
            (error.errorID != 1009) &&
            (error.errorID != 1010) &&
            (error.errorID != 1055) &&
            (error.errorID != 1069))
            throw error;
            if (BindingManager.debugDestinationStrings[destString])
                trace("Binding: destString = " + destString + ", error = " + error);
于 2012-04-24T08:15:12.770 回答

这个错误 #1009 是

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


public function set buggySetter(value:String):void {  
    var label:Label;  // here is the problem
    label.text = value; //will fail silently  

在这里,您将文本设置为未创建的标签....您只是指定标签 var 但未创建,这就是为什么它给您上面的错误...您应该创建标签变量或将数据设置为父类


public function set buggySetter(value:String):void {  
        var label:Label = new Lable(); 
        label.text = value; //now it ll work


public function set buggySetter(value:String):void {  
        this.text = value; 
于 2012-04-24T09:58:30.833 回答