只需要创建一个从 AbstractOptions 继承的类,用修饰字段填充它,然后调用继承的 Parse(args) 方法,通过反射自动填充来自命令行的值。在命令行上找不到的值保留其当前(默认)值。
然后,应用程序只需要检查选项字段来获取它们的值。AbstractOptions 类提供了更多功能,如帮助输出等,但它不是重点。
public class SignalOptions: AbstractOptions
[Option("-i, --iterations", "Number of iterations (0 = infinite).")]
volatile public int NumberOfIterations;
[Option("-s, --silent", "Silent mode, only display final results.")]
volatile public bool Silent;
[Option("-w, --zwindow", "Window size for z-score analysis.")]
volatile public int ZWindow = 7;
[Option("-a, --zalert", "z-score value to consider as peak.")]
public double ZAlert = 2.1;
static void Main(string[] args)
var opts = new SignalOptions();
// If optimizations are turned off, SILENT will be written or not
// followind presence or absence of the --silent switch on the command line.
// If optimizations are turned on, SILENT will never be written.
// The reflection part is working fine. I suspect the problem is that
// the compiler of the jitter having never found this set anywhere simply inlines
// the value 'false' inthe if, because when I step on it, it shows me the value as
// true or false, but has the same behavior no matter what value opts.Silence has.
if( opts.Silent )
现在,我遇到的问题是,由于编译器没有找到任何实际更改 SignalOptions 类的值的代码,它只是内联了在代码中使用它们的值。我通过要求类中的所有“选项”字段都是可变的来规避这个问题,因此没有应用优化,它工作正常,但不幸的是 volatile 关键字在双精度上无效。