I'm currently following this tutorial to create a simple vote system.
It works fine except for the validation part where user should only be able to vote once. This tutorial uses IP, which doesn't work for users with dynamic IPs
$id = mysql_escape_String($id);
//Verify IP address in Voting_IP table
$ip_sql=mysql_query("select ip_add from Voting_IP where mes_id_fk='$id' and ip_add='$ip'");
// Update Vote.
$sql = "update Messages set up=up+1 where mes_id='$id'";
mysql_query( $sql);
// Insert IP address and Message Id in Voting_IP table.
$sql_in = "insert into Voting_IP (mes_id_fk,ip_add) values ('$id','$ip')";
mysql_query( $sql_in);
echo "<script>alert('Thanks for the vote');</script>";
echo "<script>alert('You have already voted');</script>";
$result=mysql_query("select up from Messages where mes_id='$id'");
echo $up_value;
Is there a better way to ensure that users only vote once?