I want to notify user's friends, those that are already using my app that a friend of his has also installed the app.

I see a few apps having a number on the app's and games block. Is there a way of doing it. How do these apps do it. Also can i send a Notification (i.e on the globe icon)

I already have the list of users to notify. How do i notify them in the facebook.


2 回答 2



于 2012-04-25T05:07:54.137 回答

I'm not exactly sure what you meant in the 2nd paragraph, but if I somehow managed to understand something it is that you are asking how you can notify the users. There are a few methods with which you can notify the user, and they are all covered in the Social Channels doc.

If you want to only notify a user's friends that already have the app installed you'll have to first find out which users qualify, you have two options for that:

(1) Using the graph api you can make a request to: /me/friends?fields=installed which should return a list of users, the ones that have the app installed will have this form:

    "installed": true, 
    "id": "USER_ID"

The ones who don't have the app will be of this form:

    "id": "USER_ID"

(2) You can use FQL to check who are the friends who have the app installed using this query:

    uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())
于 2012-04-24T08:04:52.083 回答