我正在尝试将 ASP.NET Web API(来自 MVC 4)添加到我的项目中.....但是我在从 Area/WebAPI/Controller 获得任何响应时遇到了一些麻烦(不太确定哪里出错了...)
Matches Current Request Url Defaults Constraints DataTokens
False api/{controller}/{action}/{id} action = Index, id = UrlParameter.Optional (empty) Namespaces = OutpostBusinessWeb.Areas.api.*, area = api, UseNamespaceFallback = False
False {resource}.axd/{*pathInfo} (null) (empty) (null)
True {controller}/{action}/{id} controller = Home, action = Index, id = UrlParameter.Optional (empty) (empty)
True {*catchall} (null) (null) (null)
接下来我在“api”区域有一个PlansController,它只是“Add New”生成的默认apiController......
public class PlansController : ApiController
// GET /api/<controller>
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
// GET /api/<controller>/5
public string Get(int id)
return "value";
// POST /api/<controller>
public void Post(string value)
// PUT /api/<controller>/5
public void Put(int id, string value)
// DELETE /api/<controller>/5
public void Delete(int id)
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /api/Plans/1