I'm working with some code that needs a large (constant) bit array. Since it contains large constant spans (all 0's or all 1's) I've broken it into a two-level table that allows duplicate spans (constant or otherwise) to be elided, as in:

bitn = table2[table1[n/256]+n%256/8]&1<<n%8

At this point, entries of table1 are all multiples of 32 (256 bits), but I wonder if significant savings could be achieved by allowing the spans in table2 to overlap. So my question is (stated in the abstract form):

Given N strings { S_n : n=1..N } each of length K, is there an efficient way to find the shortest length string S such that each S_n is a substring of S?

(Note that since I probably want to keep my bit arrays 8-bit aligned, my particular application of the problem will probably be dealing with strings of 8-bit bytes rather than strings of bits, but the problem makes sense on any sense of character - bit, byte, or whatever.)


2 回答 2


首先,这个问题可以表述为一个 TSP。我们有一组节点(每个字符串都是一个节点),我们需要找到访问所有节点的路径。字符串 x 和 y 之间的距离定义为 len(xy)+len(y) 其中 xy 是同时具有 x 和 y 且以 x 开头的最优字符串(例如 x=000111, y=011100, xy=0001100 , 距离(x,y) = 8-6=2)。

请注意,这也遵守三角不等式(distance(x,z) <= distance(x,y)+ distance(y,z) )。距离是从 1 到 k 的整数。此外,距离是不对称的。

此版本的 TSP 称为 (1,B)-ATSP。有关此类问题的分析和近似解决方案,请参见http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=

于 2012-04-23T18:57:27.070 回答


考虑类似基数树的东西。为了便于解释,让我定义 get 函数:

#define TYP_CONST
#define TYP_ARRAY

struct node {
    unsigned min;
    unsigned max;
    int typ;
    union {
        char *bits;
        int constant;
    } d;
    struct node *left;
    struct node *right;

struct bit_array {
    unsigned length;
    struct node *root;

int get(struct bit_array *b, unsigned ix)
    struct node *n = b->root;
    if (ix >= b->length)
        return -1;
    while (n) {
        if (ix > n->max) {
            n = n->right;
        } else if (ix < n->min) {
            n = n->left;
        if (n->typ == TYP_CONST)
            return n->d.constant;
        ix -= n->min;
        return !!(n->d.bits[ix/8] & (1 << ix%8));
    return -1;



您将有 O(log n) 查找时间而不是 O(1).... 尽管它仍然应该非常快。


于 2012-04-23T20:36:21.433 回答