我正在开发一个应用程序,让我们的安全调度员更新包含当前道路和校园状况的页面。后端是一个 nodejs/express 堆栈,数据是一个简单的 JSON 结构,看起来像这样:
"campus": {"condition": "open", "status": "normal"},
"roads": {"condition": "wet", "status": "alert"},
"adjacentroads": {"condition": "not applicable", "status": "warning"},
"transit": {"condition": "on schedule", "status": "normal"},
"classes": {"condition": "on schedule", "status": "normal"},
"exams": {"condition": "on schedule", "status": "normal"},
"announcements" : "The campus is currently under attack by a herd of wild velociraptors. It is recommended that you do not come to campus at this time. Busses are delayed.",
"sidebar": [
"<p>Constant traffic updates can be heard on radio station AM1234. Traffic updates also run every 10 minutes on AM5678 and AM901.</p>",
"<p>This report is also available at <strong>555-555-1234</strong> and will be updated whenever conditions change.</p>"
"links": [
"category": "Transportation Links",
"links": [
"url": "http://www.localtransit.whatever",
"text" : "Local Transit Agency"
"url": "http://m.localtransit.whatever",
"text" : "Local Transit Agency Mobile Site"
"category": "Weather Forecasts",
"links": [
"url": "http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/canada_e.",
"text" : "Environment Canada"
"url": "http://www.theweathernetwork.com",
"text" : "The Weather Network"
"category": "Campus Notices & Conditions",
"links": [
"url": "http://www.foo.bar/security",
"text" : "Security Alerts & Traffic Notices"
"url": "http://foo.bar/athletics/whatever",
"text" : "Recreation & Athletics Conditions"
"category": "Wildlife Links",
"links": [
"url": "http://velociraptors.info",
"text" : "Velociraptor Encounters"
"lastupdated": 1333151930179
我想知道在客户端处理这些数据的最佳方式是什么(例如,在调度程序用来更新数据的页面上)。该页面混合了选择(校园、道路等条件)、TinyMCE 文本区域(公告和侧边栏)和文本输入(链接)。如有必要,我愿意更改此数据结构,但在我看来效果很好。我一直在研究 Backbone 和 Can.JS,但我不确定其中任何一个是否适合这个。
- 无需单独更新数据结构中的单个项目;我计划在保存后发布整个结构。那就是说...
- 实际上有两种不同的观点,一种是针对调度员的,另一种是针对他们的主管的。调度员只能通过下拉菜单更改校园、道路等条件,而且只能更改“条件”键;每个可能的条件都有一个分配给它的默认状态。主管可以覆盖默认状态,并可以访问公告、侧边栏和链接键。也许我确实需要重新考虑一下关于一次发布整个事情的前一点?
- 主管需要能够添加和删除链接,以及添加和删除整个链接类别。这意味着需要添加和删除 DOM 元素,这就是为什么我正在考虑使用 Backbone 或 Can.js 之类的东西,而不是仅仅编写一些 ghetto 解决方案来查看所有表单元素并构建适当的 JSON 以 POST 到服务器。