I have 2 tables..
parentID(adult's id)
childID(adult's id)
When I try to annotate them.. I keep getting NoClassDefFoundError
public class Adult
private id
private Set<Adult> children
@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.Lazy)
@JoinTable(name= "ParentChild",
public Set<Adult> getChildren() {
public class ParentChild{
private String parentID
private String childID
I know the above codes are a bit messy but I'm stuck in a place with only an internet 1 access terminal and the rest are development PC that can't be attached to internet.
I hope some kind soul can help me up. I am quite sure the exception is cause by the @ManyToMany statement as when I comment it off.. it will cause error.
is there anything I can download to trap the exception at HibernateUtil? The exception seems to be unrelated.
Gratitude from the mountain :(