CGPoint ballCenter = ball.center;
CGRect ballRect = CGRectMake(50, 73, 50, 50); // an arbitrary location for the ball, you would normally use the frame property of the ball here
CGRect s = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds;
CGRect adjustedScreenRect = CGRectMake(s.x-50 // take the ball's (width or height) and divide it by two to get the distance to the center. Then multiply it by two and subtract from the appropriate dimension(x offset (width), y offset (height), width (width), height (height)).
BOOL isOnScreen = CGRectContainsPoint(adjutedScreenRect, ballCenter);
// do whatever with the BOOL from the above line...
CGRect adjustedScreenRect = CGRectMake(s.x-50 // take the ball's (width or height) and divide it by two to get the distance to the center. Then multiply it by two and subtract from the appropriate dimension(x offset (width), y offset (height), width (width), height (height)).
BOOL isOnScreen = CGRectContainsPoint(adjutedScreenRect, ballCenter);
错误是“struct CGRect 中没有名为“x”的成员”。
答案是CGRect adjustedScreenRect = CGRectMake(s.origin.x-50
BOOL isOnScreen = CGRectContainsPoint(adjutedScreenRect, ballCenter);
但是我在 BOOL 上有一个错误 Expected )。