I am automating the process of Ticket booking through www.irctc.co.in Till now I am able to login.. But when specifying ticket details in next form, I am not able to set the Journey Date field(Calender with text box) value..
I tried this
wb.Document.GetElementById("stationFrom").SetAttribute("value", "testStation");
wb.Document.GetElementById("JDatee1").SetAttribute("value", "05/31/2012");
wb.Document.GetElementById("JDatee1").SetAttribute("CurrentDate", "31");
wb.Document.GetElementById("JDatee1").SetAttribute("CurrentMonth", "05");
wb.Document.GetElementById("JDatee1").SetAttribute("CurrentYear", "2012");
But after submitting form, date field gets the today's date..
Rest of the field I am able to fill..