mailSoc <- function(login,
serv = "imap.gmail.com", #specify IMAP server
ntore = 50, #ignore if addressed to more than
todow = -1, #how many to download
begin = -1, #from which to start
folder = ''){ #folder to download (default:inbox)
#load rJython and Python libraries
rJython <- rJython(modules = "imaplib")
rJython$exec("import imaplib")
#connect to server
rJython$exec(paste("mymail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('",
serv, "')", sep = ""))
login, "\',\'",
pass, "\')", sep = ""))
#get number of available messages
rJython$exec(paste("sel = mymail.select(\"", folder,"\")", sep=""))
rJython$exec("number = sel[1]")
nofmsg <- .jstrVal(rJython$get("number"))
nofmsg <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(nofmsg, "'"))[2])
#if 'begin' not specified begin from the newest
if(begin == -1)
begin <- nofmsg
#if 'todow' not specified download all
if(todow == -1)
end <- 1
end <- begin - todow
#give a little bit of information
todownload <- begin - end
print(paste("Found", nofmsg, "emails"))
print(paste("I will download", todownload, "messages."))
print("It can take a while")
data <- data.frame()
#fetching emails
for (i in begin:end) {
nr <- as.character(i)
#get sender
rJython$exec(paste("typ, fro = mymail.fetch(\'", nr, "\', \'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (from)])\')", sep = ""))
rJython$exec("fro = fro[0][1]")
from <- .jstrVal(rJython$get("fro"))
from <- unlist(strsplit(from, "[\r\n, \"]"))
from <- sub("from: ", "", from, ignore.case = TRUE)
from <- grep("@", from, value = TRUE)
#get addresees
rJython$exec(paste("typ, to = mymail.fetch(\'", nr, "\', \'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (to)])\')", sep = ""))
rJython$exec("to = to[0][1]")
to <- .jstrVal(rJython$get("to"))
to <- unlist(strsplit(to, "[\r\n, \"]"))
to <- sub("to: ", "", to, ignore.case = TRUE)
from <- sub("\"", "", from, ignore.case = TRUE)
to <- grep("@", to, value = TRUE)
#get dates:
rJython$exec(paste("typ, date = mymail.fetch(\'", nr, "\', \'(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (date)])\')", sep = ""))
rJython$exec("date = date[0][1]")
date <- .jstrVal(rJython$get("date"))
#add to data frame
#vec <- rep(from, length(to))
to <- 'NA'
to <- 'NA'
data <- rbind(data, data.frame(from, to, date))
#give some information about progress
if((i - begin) %% 100 == 0)
print(paste((i - begin)*(-1), "/", todownload,
" Downloading...", sep = ""))
names(data) <- c("from", "to", "date")
data$from <- tolower(data$from)
data$to <- tolower(data$to)
#close connection
maild <- mailSoc("login", "passowrd", serv = "imap.gmail.com",
ntore = 20, todow = 200, folder='anywhere')
[1] “Found NA emails”
[1] “I will download NA messages.”
[1] “It can take a while”
Error in begin:end : NA/NaN argument
In addition: Warning message:
In mailSoc(“xyz”, “xyz”, serv = “imap.gmail.com”, :
NAs introduced by coercion
你知道我该怎么做吗?我想在我的 gmail 中选择接下来要下载的文件夹/子文件夹。