这是对 Websphere Application Server 管理控制台性能的担忧。我可以顺利登录没有任何问题,但是在执行操作时响应非常慢,例如通过单击“系统管理”下的“节点”显示节点状态,通过单击“服务器”下的“应用程序服务器”显示 AppServer 状态等。然而,有趣的是远程节点上的问题比与 DmgrNode 位于同一框的本地节点更严重。所以我怀疑这应该是DmgrNode和远程节点之间的网络通信问题,但我不知道如何解决它。有人在这里遇到同样的问题吗???或者有什么想法可以解决?请帮我一个忙,拜托.......


2 回答 2


When the console gets the list of servers to display, it does make mbean calls to all of the servers, and if there is a network problem between the dmgr and the node, this could cause some delay in displaying the server page. The nodes page, however, should not have that issue. What is your topology? How many nodes/servers and how many are local/remote?

How can you tell the problem is more serious on the remote nodes than the local nodes?
Are other console operations slower, or only ones that display status? Do you have the same problem with wsadmin commands? The console issues a queryNames to search for the server mbeans. Does the following wsadmin command run much more slowly on the remote node than the local node? If so, how much more slowly?

print AdminControl.queryNames('WebSphere:type=Server,node=myNode')

Replace myNode with either the local or remote node name.

于 2012-04-23T18:13:33.750 回答

我假设您正在使用 IE 来启动控制台。从 Chrome 启动控制台,看看它是否有帮助。

于 2012-10-20T09:02:18.300 回答