一个类包含一个std::vector<int*>. 外部代码需要对该向量进行只读访问,不应修改内容(指针或其内容)。在类内部,值可能会发生变化(例如double_values(),因此std::vector<const int*>无法将它们存储为 a 。

有没有办法在不制作副本的情况下返回std::vector<int*>原样?std::vector<const int*>感觉应该有,因为 const 只是在编译时操作来说明可以修改和不能修改的内容。

代码:(编译g++ -std=c++0x

class ReadOnlyAccess
  ReadOnlyAccess(const std::vector<int*> & int_ptrs_param):
  const std::vector<int*> & get_int_ptrs() const
    return int_ptrs;
  std::vector<const int*> safely_get_int_ptrs() const
    // will not compile (too bad):
    //    return int_ptrs;

    // need to copy entire vector
    std::vector<const int*> result(int_ptrs.size());
    for (int k=0; k<int_ptrs.size(); k++)
      result[k] = int_ptrs[k];
    return result;
  void double_values()
    for (int*p : int_ptrs)
      *p *= 2;
  void print() const
    for (const int * p : int_ptrs)
      std::cout << *p << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
  std::vector<int*> int_ptrs;

int main() {
  ReadOnlyAccess roa(std::vector<int*>{new int(10), new int(20), new int(100)});
  std::vector<const int*> safe_int_ptrs = roa.safely_get_int_ptrs();
  // does not compile (good)
  // *safe_int_ptrs[0] = -100000;

  const std::vector<int*> & int_ptrs = roa.get_int_ptrs();
  // changes are made to the internal class values via the accessor! nooooo!
  *int_ptrs[0] = -100000;

  return 0;

2 回答 2


如果您仍然想保留 const 指针,则返回向量将意味着一个副本。

但是,如果您的目标是提供一种在不修改它们或修改其容器的情况下使用值的方法,那么基于访问者模式的算法可能是一个非常好的解决方案,特别是现在我们可以使用 lambda 表达式:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

class Data

    //...whatever needed to fill the values

    // here we assume that Func is equivalent to std::function< void ( int )> or std::function< void (const int& ) > and can return anything that will be ignored here.
    template< class Func > 
    void for_each_value( Func func ) const // read-only
        for( const int* value : m_values ) // implicit conversion
             func( *value ); // read-only reference (const &), or copy
             // if func needs to work with the adress of the object, it still can by getting a reference to it and using & to get it's adress

    void print() const
        std::cout << "\nData values: \n";
        for_each_value( []( const int value ) { std::cout << "    "<< value << '\n'; } );

    void count_values() const { return m_values.size(); }


    std::vector<int*> m_values;


int main()
    Data data;
    // ... whatever needed to fill the data


    std::vector<int> modified_values;
    data.for_each_value( [&]( int value ) { modified_values.push_back( value + 42 ); } );

    return 0;


于 2012-04-22T07:00:05.577 回答

您可以通过自定义迭代器提供 const 值的视图。一个简单的方法是使用boost::iterator

#include <boost/iterator/indirect_iterator.hpp>

class ReadOnlyAccess
// ...
    typedef boost::indirect_iterator<const int* const*, const int> const_val_iter_type;
    const_val_iter_type cval_begin() {
        return it_t{const_cast<const int* const*>(&int_ptrs[0])};

int main() {
    // ...
    auto x = roa.cval_begin();
    std::cout << x[0] <<' ' << x[1] << x[2] <<'\n';
    // we can still access the pointers themselves via .base() member function:
    for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
        assert(x.base()[i] == safe_int_ptrs[i]);
    // the values are read-only, the following does not compile:
    // x[0] = -1;
    // **x.base() = -1;
    // *x.base() = nullptr;

如果我们使用boost::indirect_iterator<typename std::vector<int*>::const_iterator, const int>for ,我们可以通过(但不能直接像在 eg 中那样)const_val_iter_type修改指向的值,所以这个解决方案不是通用的。.base()x[0] = -1

于 2012-04-22T11:11:34.467 回答